Contact details

About me

I am currently studying Veterinary Medicine at the University of Nottingham Nottingham Vet School

What I hope to get out of this project

I hope to make a valuable contribution to the content of the site as well as learning new skills.

My best learning experience in the past

Curriculum area that interests me

I am interested in exotic birds, particularly parrots and birds of prey. I also have an interest in orthopaedics.

Topics that are difficult


Day one thoughts

What (three things) I learnt today

  • How to create a Wiki account.
  • How to insert hyperlinks.
  • How to format text.

What I still need to learn


How I feel about what has happened today

I feel that I have had a solid introduction to the WikiVet project and look forward to writing my first page.

Three weeks into the wikivet project (or thereabouts)

Sections I've been working on

What I feel I've gained so far from being involved in the project

Problems or issues that I've had or can forsee

My suggestions for improving the way the project works for the future

What involvement (if any!) I would like to have with the project in the future