Pet Food Quiz 3

Revision as of 10:47, 10 July 2017 by Bara (talk | contribs)

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A client has been persuaded to feed a natural home-made diet because they have been told to avoid feeding their pets food that has any preservatives and additives. Which of the following solutions would you advise to avoid preservatives, but still feed a complete and balanced diet?

Please select an option Incorrect. Wet pet food does not require the addition of preservatives as these products are sterilised during cooking and sealed. WikiVet Article: Wet Pet Food Manufacturing Incorrect. Wet pet food does not require the addition of preservatives as these products are sterilised during cooking and sealed. WikiVet Article: Wet Pet Food Manufacturing Incorrect. Wet pet food does not require the addition of preservatives as these products are sterilised during cooking and sealed. WikiVet Article: Wet Pet Food Manufacturing Incorrect. Wet pet food does not require the addition of preservatives as these products are sterilised during cooking and sealed. WikiVet Article: Wet Pet Food Manufacturing Correct! Wet pet food does not require the addition of preservatives as these products are sterilised during cooking and sealed. WikiVet Article: Wet Pet Food Manufacturing

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