532 bytes added ,  11:22, 17 April 2011
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'''1st-2nd April 2011 - Murcia students visit WikiVet team'''
<br>Two students from the University of Murcia [[Spain - Universidad de Murcia Facultad de Veterinaria|Faculty of Veterinary Medicine]] visited the [[RVC|Royal Veterinary College]] for one week as part of an exchange program. 
<br>The students took part in an editing workshop, and discussed the creation of the [http://es.wikivet.net/index.php/P%C3%A1gina_Principal Spanish WikiVet site]. [[Murcia_Visit_-_News|Read more...]] 
'''WikiVet wins funding for OVAL project'''
'''WikiVet wins funding for OVAL project'''
Donkey, Bureaucrats
