UK - School of Veterinary Medicine, Glasgow

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The University of Glasgow’s School of Veterinary Medicine is pre-eminent in teaching, research and clinical provision, and attracts students, researchers and clinicians from around the world. Our internationally accredited school provides an expert referral centre via the Small Animal Hospital, the Weipers Centre for Equine Welfare and the Scottish Centre for Production Animal Health & Welfare for animal owners and referring practitioners throughout the UK. In the Research Assessment Exercise 2008, the Grade Point Average for our research activity was the highest in Scotland and joint highest in the UK, reaffirming our position as one of the country’s leading veterinary schools.


n 1840 Justus von Liebig, professor of Chemistry at Giessen University published in Germany his pioneering book Organic Chemistry in its application to Agriculture and Physiology, which appeared simultaneously in English translation on 1 September. This book, which recommended the use of superphosphate - an artificial fertilisers, profoundly changed British agriculture, heralding practices of arable cultivation and animal husbandry termed `high farming'. Thomas Thomson, professor of Chemistry at Glasgow University, was a fervent advocate of Leibig's ideas and the first superphosphate to be produced in Britain was manufactured at Greenock in 1841 by John Poynter. As a result, a number of Thomson's pupils became pioneers of agricultural and veterinary science in the United Kingdom.

Anderson's College of Medicine had appointed a professor of veterinary education in 1832, who did little to prepare students to qualify as vets, preferring like Anderson to concentrate on veterinary and agricultural research. The only formal training available in Scotland was through the Edinburgh Dick School established in 1823.

The Glasgow Veterinary College was not set up for another forty years by James McCall, a graduate of the Edinburgh school. In 1859, he came to Glasgow to practice in Hope Street, acting as veterinary surgeon to the largest railway contractors. He began giving classes in Sauchiehall Lane for Edinburgh students who lived in Glasgow.


The School of Veterinary Medicine offers undergraduate courses in veterinary medicine and surgery, BVMS (five years) and veterinary biosciences BSc (four years) or MSci (five years). The BVMS course offers the chance to intercalate in an area of interest. The school also provides postgraduate taught degrees in veterinary public health and may introduce an animal reproduction programme via e-learning.



School name

University of Glasgow School of Veterinary Medicine




Glasgow, Scotland

Principal's name

Prof Ewan Cameron BVMS PhD MRCVS

Total number of Students


Number of Undergraduates


Number of Postgraduates


Website address

Contact details

464 Bearsden Road, Glasgow, G61 1QH, Scotland +44 (0) 141 330 5700 }}