WikiVet LIVE! 2018.png


WikiVet LIVE! 2018 sponsored by Mars PetCare, was the first ever FREE, LIVE, 24 hour, ONLINE e-learning event for veterinary students around the world. It was held on 10th March 2018, and was streamed live for 24 hours.


There were three 8 hour regional streams, coordinated by three time zone centres:

  • GMT -8 (Eastern Stream) - to cater for Oceania and Asia
  • GMT (Central Stream) - to cater for UK, Europe and Africa
  • GMT+8 (Western Stream) - to cater for North and South America

Eastern Stream

WikiVet LIVE! 2018 got off to a very strong start, with our Eastern Stream, co-ordinated and hosted by the Centre for Veterinary Education (CVE), from the University of Sydney. Their diverse and engaging programme included 'Neutering in Dogs - commonly performed but not necessarily routine' from Arthur House, 'Disease in animal shelters - where to send animals to get sick' by Mark Westmann and the novel and innovative talk 'Crisis management in anaesthesia - What can we learn from airline pilots?' from veterinary anaesthetist Colin Dunlop and Vet turned airline pilot, Nathan Kock.

Central Stream

The Royal Canin sponsored, Central stream was co-ordinated and hosted by the Royal Veterinary College (RVC), London. A fantastic IVSA Student Live hosted event, WikiVet LIVE! 2018's flagship student even was also hosted at the RVC, with workshops from Vetlife, meet and greet with some of the speakers, and laughter yoga. Live student hosted viewing events were also held across the UK, in Bristol, Cheshire, Scotland, Nottingham and Sussex, as well as further afield in Belgium, Nigeria, Kenya and many more.

The fantastic line up in the Central stream included 'What does the Liver do, and what happens when it doesn't' by Professor Jill Maddison, and Clients behaving badly, by Kim Whittlestone and Ruth Serlin and 'Guts -Understanding the fundamentals of rabbit health and disease' with Charlie Pignon.

Western Stream

The final stream of the event was the Royal Canin sponsored Western Stream, which was coordinated and hosted by Vet Med Academy in the USA.

Some of their top rated sessions in this stream were 'Paediatric pharmacology' from Melissa Clarke, the fantastically named Rhythm and Blues; a story of arrhythmias and cyanosis' from Maureen McMichael and When the dip has no zip' a talk on anthelmintic resistance from David Villar, from University of Antioquia, in Columbia.

Student Sessions

Within each stream, there was session called 'Student Experiences', where students from all over the world shared their diverse and fascinating experiences on their journeys to becoming qualified vets.

Our Eastern student sessions kicked off with Corey Regnerus, from Massey University, NZ, talking about sustainability of the veterinary industry, followed by Meredith Wall, a postgraduate student who discussed her PhD subject, a psychological approach to feline obesity. The session ended with Malcolm Chong, from Malaysia talking about his experiences as a vet student of the world.

Our Central student sessions included talks about their various experiences from Lisa Buren, from Utrecht, Netherlands talking about One health; Marzelle Fourie, from Pretoria, South Africa on her experiences in wildlife conservation, and Beth Dixon, from Liverpool, England discussion her experiences as a vet student overseas.

Our Western student session saw Emma Asrow, from University of Wisconsin-Madison talking about the human animal bond, followed by an inspiring talk from Jaclyn St Croix, and her experiences overcoming cognitive biases in vet school. The final student session of WikIVet LIVE! 2019 was Isaac Florence from RVC, talking about his experiences in global one health projects.


WikiVet LIVE! 2018 could not have happened without the generosity and commitment of our sponsors, whom we would like to thank unreservedly.

Extra special thanks go to Mars PetCare, a longstanding friend of WikiVet who were our Gold Sponsor, for sponsoring the whole event and supporting us every step of the way.

Royal Canin kindly sponsored both the Central and Western Streams, as a Silver Sponsor.

We had 5 Bronze Sponsors, who sponsored individual sessions, who we would also like to thank.

Centre for Veterinary Education - University of Sydney Provet Chi Institute Karl Storz Fujifilm Sonosite

We also had three Conference Associates who supported WikiVet LIVE! 2018 who we would also like to thank for their involvement.

The Webinar Vet CRC Press Collab8