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==Why I joined WikiVet==
A combination of things came together to bring me here...
Firstly - timing - Having had plans to go away after graduation for a few months, I wanted a constructive, useful way of spending June and July, especially as I don't sit idly very well!
When the job came up, it was an excellent way of earning money and keeping my knowledge up-to-date. I always feared that my veterinary knowledge might go stale while I was out of the loop, but hopefully not now! :)
Secondly - the bigger picture - As I've already said, my second passion is travelling and I have always had ambitions to use my veterinary degree to help developing countries. WikiVet was a way of reaching out and offering information to communities without having to leave home! I will now make sure people i work with while abroad know about Wikivet, as I believe they are the ones who will get the most from it.
Thirdly - finals - the dreaded F word. There's only so many times you can copy out the same set of notes, and other resources that make you think critically and present information in versatile ways are sorely lacking I think. Having no past papers and few example questions to go on with Nottingham being a new vet school made revision even harder and so I now get a lot of satisfaction from creating resources for those undergoing the same nightmare. I hope they help!
==What I'm doing in the OVAL Project==
I am writing new articles for WikiVet from a range of resources and also creating revision/consolidation tools such as flashcards and case based questions for students to work through.
I think these will go down really well and only wish they were around for me a few months ago!
==About Me==
I love the outdoors, travelling, rosé wine and of course, animals :)
Having now finished vet school, I am applying for jobs in mixed practice, and a few in farm specialist practice as this is where my main interests lie, I just don't think I'm ready to totally let go of dogs and cats yet! A good team in a pretty part of the country with lots of cows doesn't seem like too much to ask does it...
Outside of vet school. I love to kayak, camp, hike and wild swim (I bought the book before they made the silly program!). I am also a scuba diver and diving the Great Barrier Reef earlier this year with 6m manta rays was a true highlight of my life.
Which brings me on to another massive passion; travelling. I take every opportunity I get to see the world and have done veterinary placements in South Africa, the Czech Republic and Australia, ranging from large game to mixed practice and a reptile/avian summer school! Some say indecisive, I say curious :) I am a strong believer that travel broadens the mind and feeds the soul, even if it doesn't always feed the stomach!!
And of course, my lovely boyfriend deserves a mention for putting up with the ogre that was me during finals. It must be his medical training that gave him the patience!
Donkey, Bureaucrats


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