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The Pons can be found in the Metencephalon region of the hind brain. As shown above, the Pons is able to exert some influence on respiratory movements and in some studies has also been shown to influence many digestive processes.
The Pons can be found in the Metencephalon region of the hind brain. As shown above, the Pons is able to exert some influence on respiratory movements and in some studies has also been shown to influence many digestive processes.
===Cranial Nerves===
===Cranial Nerves===
Cranial nerves III to XII exit from the brain stem and act to innervate parts of the head, neck, viscera and the thoracic and abdominal cavities. Although most of these nerves contain both sensory and motor fibres, the sensory fibres all have their cell bodies in ganglia outside the brain stem.
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For more detailed information on the structure and function of the cranial nerves, please see the cranial nerves page [[Cranial_Nerves_-_Anatomy_%26_Physiology|here]].


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