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A number of different sensory inputs are utilised by reflex arcs, including; skin receptors, muscle spindles, the retina, the [[Ear_-_Anatomy_%26_Physiology#Inner_Ear|Organ of Corti]] and the olfactory mucosa. These sensory aspects of reflex arcs feed into two main types of reflex systems in the body; '''Autonomic''' reflexes and '''Somatic''' reflexes.
A number of different sensory inputs are utilised by reflex arcs, including; skin receptors, muscle spindles, the retina, the [[Ear_-_Anatomy_%26_Physiology#Inner_Ear|Organ of Corti]] and the olfactory mucosa. These sensory aspects of reflex arcs feed into two main types of reflex systems in the body; '''Autonomic''' reflexes and '''Somatic''' reflexes.
==Autonomic Reflexes==
==Autonomic Reflexes==
Autonomic reflexes control and regulate smooth muscle cells, cardiac muscle cells and glands. In general these reflexes contain the same basic components as somatic reflexes but a key difference is that autonomic reflexes have the ability to both stimulate or inhibit the smooth muscle/gland.
Autonomic reflexes control and regulate smooth muscle cells, cardiac muscle cells and glands. In general these reflexes contain the same basic components as somatic reflexes but a key difference is that autonomic reflexes have the ability to both stimulate or inhibit the smooth muscle/gland.
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For further information regarding the basic principles of the autonomic reflex arcs and for more detailed information, please see the [[Autonomic_Nervous_System_-_Anatomy_%26_Physiology#Autonomic_Nervous_System:_Basic_Principles|Autonomic Nervous System]].
==Somatic Reflexes==
==Somatic Reflexes==