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==Stephanofilaira stilesi==
*Dermall lesions of cattle in USA

*The infective larvae develop in the horn fly - Haematobia irritans
**Flies ingest microfilaria as they feed on cutaneous lesions.
**Microfilaria develop into L3 larvae in the hornfly over 18-21 days.
**Infective L3 larva are deposited into the skin when the fly bites again, where they grow into adult worms.

===Gross pathology===
*Lesions begin as small circular patches on the ventral midline with serous exudate.
*These enlarge and coalesce producing lesions 25cm or more in diameter.
*Hemorrhage develops along the periphery while the older, central areas develop scabs or dry crusts.
*Healing lesions are alopecic, lichenified plaques.
*Lesions may also occur on the flank, udder, teats, face and neck.

==Stephanofilaria assamensis==
*''Bos indicus'' in India


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