In canines the carpal bones form a complicated set of articulations and comprise of two rows; proximal and distal. In total there are seven carpal bones. Starting medially, the proximal row consists of the ''radial and intermediate'' bone (which are seperate in other species but fused in canines), the ''ulna'' bone and the ''accessory'' carpal bone. The accessory bone is essentially a bony appendage on the lateral aspect of the carpus and can be easily palpated. Each of the proximal carpal bones articulates proximally with the radius and ulna and distally with the intercarpal joints (between the proximal and distal carpal bones).
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The distal carpal bones are numbered medially to laterally 1 to 5. Having said this, the fifth carpal bone is rarely present as a seperate ossified structure and in most cases is fused to the forth carpal bone. Each of the four distal carpal bones articulates proximally with the intercarpal joint and distally with a corresponding metacarpal joint. Specifically in canines there are also a small sesmoidian bone which canj be found within the medial aspect of the carpus.
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The majority of the movement within the carpus is provided most by the antebrachiocarpal joint, to a lesser extent by the intercarpal joint and almost no movement by the carpometacarpal joint.
Carpal bones comprise two rows:
Proximally - the radial and intermediate bones are fused to form the '''radial''' carpal bone. The accessory carpal bone articulates with both the ulnar carpal bone and the distal ulna.