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Observing the cat’s typical avoidance behaviour and body language in the presence of the stimulus is paramount to diagnosis. With animate objects, it is usually obvious what the cat is reacting to, but with inanimate objects or sounds it may not be so clear cut, unless the client has closely observed the cat. Fear of inanimate objects or sounds may be an underlying factor in other behavioural problems so it is important to take a detailed history. Given that cats tend to become inhibited in situations where they cannot mount a proper escape response, the owner may not be aware of low-level fear reactions. Direct observation or video recording of the cat’s behaviour is necessary. Identify the full range of stimulus types and variations of which the cat is fearful of. These may be grouped into general categories as an indication of other potential stimulus types that may evoke fear. If more than one stimulus evokes fear, the stimuli should be listed in order of the level of reaction they create, based on the owner’s experience (do not set up challenge tests).  
Key aspects include:
* Information about rearing history and parental temperament.
* Observation of a typical pattern of avoidance behaviour and fearful body language will be observed in the presence of the fearful stimulus.
* Identification of the complete range of stimuli that elicit a fear response in the affected individual.
* History of development of the problem (e.g. information about changes in the range and type of stimuli the cat rates to over time).
* Assessment of the suitability of the environment (presence of escape and avoidance opportunities, as well as general proviso of accessible resources).
With inanimate objects or sounds it is not always obvious to the owner what the cat is reacting to, and it may be necessary to explain signs of fear to the owner and ask them to monitor the cat for a few day to identify what the cat is reacting to.  
Often, fear of inanimate objects or sounds is not presented as a problem in itself, but is an underlying factor in other behavioural problems that the owner is concerned about (such as inappropriate elimination). Given that cats tend to become inhibited in situations where they cannot mount a proper escape response, the owner may not be aware of low-level fear reactions. Only when the full range of stimulus types and variations the cat is fearful of has been identified, is it then possible to manage and treat the problem. If the cat is afraid of a range of stimuli, they should be listed in order of the level of fearful reaction they elicit, os that a programme of graded controlled exposure (desensitisation and/or counter condition) can be designed. However, it is important that owners do not deliberately set up challenge tests to determine the cat's reaction.


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