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'''Prognosis strongly relates to the owner’s expectation of therapy'''. Clients who expect that a cat will become overtly friendly and tactile with all family members and visitors to the house may be disappointed.  
The owners expectations for the outcome of therapy should be part of the investigation, and unrealistic expectations will need to be managed. For example, in most cases previously fearful are only ever likely to become tolerant of people. Cats that wish to avoid contact with certain visitors should be allowed to do so, because this represents a safe and normal response to fear, which is far more desirable than an aggressive attack.
Part of creating a good prognosis is therefore to teach clients about [[Feline Social Behaviour|normal feline social behaviour]] and the kinds of activities that cats derive pleasure from. A balanced relationship involving appropriate levels of contact, greeting behaviour and play is likely to succeed. Cats that wish to avoid contact with certain visitors should be allowed to do so, because this represents a safe and normal response to fear, which is far more desirable than an aggressive attack.
If clients can be satisfied with this kind of situation, then the prognosis is generally good. However, cats that have already inflicted injuries without any apparent provocation are potentially an ongoing danger. For example, those which hide and then attack without warning may be impossible to manage safely. This is why it is very important to differentiate motivations such as [[Misdirected Feline Predatory Behaviour Towards People|misdirected predatory play]] from genuine fear-related aggression, because the two often have different treatments and outcomes.
If clients can be satisfied with this kind of situation, then the prognosis is generally good. However, cats that have already inflicted injuries without any deliberate provocation are potentially an ongoing danger. For example, cats that rush out from hiding places and attack without warning cannot be safely managed. This is why it is very important to differentiate motivations such as [[Misdirected Feline Predatory Behaviour Towards People|misdirected predatory play]] from genuine fear-related aggression, because the two often have different treatments and outcomes.
==Prevention of Fear-Related Aggression Towards People==
==Prevention of Fear-Related Aggression Towards People==


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