feedback1="'''Correct!''' xxxxxxxxxx [[Small Animal Dentistry|WikiVet Article: Small Animal Dentistry]]"
feedback1="'''Correct!''' This is a dog with gingivitis and chronic ulcerative paradental stomatitis due to contact of the oral mucosa with plaque. If the teeth can be kept clean, they do not need to be extracted. [[Exodontics|WikiVet Article: Exodontics]]"
feedback4="'''Incorrect.''' xxxxxxxxxx [[Small Animal Dentistry|WikiVet Article: Small Animal Dentistry]]"
feedback4="'''Incorrect.''' This is a cat with resorptive lesions. Extraction is indicated here. [[Exodontics|WikiVet Article: Exodontics]]"
feedback2="'''Incorrect.''' xxxxxxxxxx [[Small Animal Dentistry|WikiVet Article: Small Animal Dentistry]]"
feedback2="'''Incorrect.''' This tooth is affected by caries decay. Tooth extraction is suitable treatment option. [[Exodontics|WikiVet Article: Exodontics]]"
feedback3="'''Incorrect.''' xxxxxxxxxx [[Small Animal Dentistry|WikiVet Article: Small Animal Dentistry]]"
feedback3="'''Incorrect.''' This is a fractured mandibular canine. The pupl had started to become necrotic and thus extraction is a suitable treatment option. [[Exodontics|WikiVet Article: Exodontics]]"
feedback5="'''Incorrect.''' There are fractured and discoloured deciduous teeth present that will not fall out themselves. Extraction is indicated in this case. [[Exodontics|WikiVet Article: Exodontics]]"