Since the legislator tends to consider most PARNUTs as being ‘temporary situations’, they make it '''mandatory to publish on the labels a defined length of time for use''' (Table 3, column 5). However, not all PARNUT indications are temporary, e.g., diabetes mellitus type 1 and chronic kidney disease are irreversible and need lifelong dietary management. This issue has been resolved by stating in column 5 ‘initially up to xx weeks or months’. In the same time this statement should stimulate the pet owner to visit the treating veterinarian for regular control check-ups. | Since the legislator tends to consider most PARNUTs as being ‘temporary situations’, they make it '''mandatory to publish on the labels a defined length of time for use''' (Table 3, column 5). However, not all PARNUT indications are temporary, e.g., diabetes mellitus type 1 and chronic kidney disease are irreversible and need lifelong dietary management. This issue has been resolved by stating in column 5 ‘initially up to xx weeks or months’. In the same time this statement should stimulate the pet owner to visit the treating veterinarian for regular control check-ups. |