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*Moves position when the animal [[Deglutition|swallows]] due to its attachments to the [[Oral Cavity - Tongue - Anatomy & Physiology|tongue]] and the [[Hyoid Apparatus - Anatomy & Physiology|hyoid apparatus]]
*Moves position when the animal [[Deglutition|swallows]] due to its attachments to the [[Oral Cavity - Tongue - Anatomy & Physiology|tongue]] and the [[Hyoid Apparatus - Anatomy & Physiology|hyoid apparatus]]
*Synovial joints
**Between the thyrohyoid bone and the dorsorostral aspect of the thyroid cartilage
**Dorsal joint of throid cartilage
**Lateral aspect of cricoid cartilage and dorsocaudal aspect of throid cartilage
*Movement of the cricoid-arytenoid joint controls the size of the glottic opening, lumen and larynx
*Membranes and elastic ligaments attach the laryngeal cartilages
**[[Epiglottis]] to throid and cricoid cartilage
**First tracheal ring with cricoid cartilage
*Vocal folds and vestibular folds
**Made of (slightly stiffer) elastic ligaments
**Pass between the arytenoid cartilages and the laryngeal floor
*Extrinsic musculature connects the larynx to the sternum, [[Oral Cavity - Tongue - Anatomy & Physiology|tongue]], [[Pharynx - Anatomy & Physiology|pharynx]] and [[Hyoid Apparatus - Anatomy & Physiology|hyoid apparatus]]
*Intrinsic musculature connects the laryngeal cartilages (see [[Larynx - Anatomy & Physiology#Intrinsic Musculature|here]])
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*Free or fused with the epiglottic cartilages and arytenoid cartilages depending on species
*Free or fused with the epiglottic cartilages and arytenoid cartilages depending on species
===Intrinsic Musculature===


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