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==Innervation of the Hindlimb==
==Innervation of the Hindlimb==
The nerves that supply the hindlimb arise from the lumbosacral plexus that lies on the medial wall of the pelvis. These nerves are:
'''Femoral Nerve'''
* Origin - cranial part of the lumbosacral plexus, L4 and L5. (Sometimes L3 and L6)
* Motor innervation - Quadriceps and iliopsoas muscle.
* Sensory innervation - the medial aspect of the limb.
* Route - through the iliopsoas.
'''Obturator Nerve'''
* Origin - middle part of the lumbosacral plexus, L5 and L6.
* Motor innervation - adductor muscles; external obturator, adductor and gracilis.
* Sensory innervation - none
* Route - through the iliopsoas, medial to the ilial shaft and then through the obturator foramen.
'''Gluteal Nerves'''
* Origin - L6, L7 and S1
* Motor innervation - gluteal muscles, tensor fascia lata, biceps femoris and semitendinosus.
* Sensory innervation - none
* Route - direct to the gluteals.
'''Sciatic Nerve'''
* Origin - L6, L7, S1 and S2.
* Motor innervation - biceps femoris, semintendinosus, semimembranosus.
* Sensory innervation - the nerve divides into the tibial and fibula nerves where cutaneous fibres run.
* Route - the largest nerve in the body. It leaves the pelvis at the greater sciatic notch and curves in a ventral caudal direction around the hip joint. It runs distocaudally over the femur between the biceps femoris medially and the adductor, semimembranosus and semitendinosus muscles medially. It then divides into the tibial and fibular nerves.
'''Tibial Nerve'''
* Origin - the sciatic nerve.
* Motor innervation - extensors of the hock, flexors of the digits, popliteal muscle.
* Sensory innervation - caudal aspect of the limb below the stifle.
* Route - it runs caudal to the stifle joint into the muscle.
'''Fibular (Peroneal Nerve)'''
* Origin - the sciatic nerve.
* Motor innervation - flexors of the hock, extensors of the digits.
* Sensory innervation - cranial and lateral aspect of the limb.
* Route - caudal to the stifle.
==Species Specifics==
==Species Specifics==


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