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Fig. 22. Ox Warble-fly (Hypoderma bovis), a, female; b, full-grown maggot from back of ox, dorsal view; c, egg; d, empty puparium, ventral view; e, young maggot from gullet, ventral view. Magnified (lines show natural size). a-d, after Theobald, 2nd Repor
Fig. 22. Ox Warble-fly (Hypoderma bovis), a, female; b, full-grown maggot from back of ox, dorsal view; c, egg; d, empty puparium, ventral view; e, young maggot from gullet, ventral view. Magnified (lines show natural size). a-d, after Theobald, 2nd Report Econ. Zool. (Brit. Mus.).

(Above is the original caption from The Life-Story of Insects by Geo. H. Carpenter, Cambridge University Press 1913. Image from Project Gutenberg etext at [1].)

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