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Elimination of inhalation agents is mostly via the lungs as the patient breathes out. However, there are varying degress of hepatic metabolism.  
Elimination of inhalation agents is mostly via the lungs as the patient breathes out. However, there are varying degress of hepatic metabolism.  
===Minimum Alveolar Concerntration===
===Minimum Alveolar Concentration===
'''Minimum Alveolar Concentration''' (MAC) is a measure of the potency of an inhalation agent. It is the minimum alveolar concentration of agent required to produce immobility of 50% of patients when exposed to a noxious stimuli. Therefore, the lower the MAC, the more potent the agent.
'''Minimum Alveolar Concentration''' (MAC) is a measure of the potency of an inhalation agent. It is the minimum alveolar concentration of agent required to produce immobility of 50% of patients when exposed to a noxious stimuli. Therefore, the lower the MAC, the more potent the agent.


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