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== Nematodes of Dogs - the HOOKWORMS ==
== Nematodes of Dogs - the HOOKWORMS ==
''Ancylostoma caninum'' is found rarely in Britain, but is a major pathogen of dogs in many warmer regions of the world. It may be brought into the UK with dogs entering from abroad. ''A. caninum'' is an avid blood-sucker, so heavy infections lead to severe anaemia, especially in unweaned pups.
Key features of hookworms of the dog:
{| style="width:75%; height:200px" border="1"
!'''''Ancylostoma caninum'''''
!'''''Uncinaria stenocephala'''''
*Warm and hot climates
*Avid blood sucker → anaemia
*Teeth around mouth
*Infection mostly percutaneous
*Causes pedal dermatitis
*Transmammary infection
*Cool and cold climates
*Protein leak → diarrhoea
*Cutting plates
*Infection mainly by mouth
*Causes pedal dermatitis
*No vertical transmission
== Nematodes of Dogs - the WHIPWORM ==
== Nematodes of Dogs - the WHIPWORM ==