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Tivers, M. and Brockman, D. (2009) '''[[|Gastric dilation–volvulus syndromein dogs 2. Surgical and postoperative management]]''' 31(3):114 ''In Practice''
Tivers, M. and Brockman, D. (2009) '''[[|Gastric dilation–volvulus syndromein dogs 2. Surgical and postoperative management]]''' 31(3):114 ''In Practice''
==From pathology section==
* Is a consequence of '''gastric dilation'''.
** Gastric dilation occurs in dogs, cats, horses, rabbits and primates.
** Cause unclear but may be associated with overeating.
** Gastric dilation is most studied in dog, since it can lead to displacement of the [[Forestomach - Anatomy & Physiology|stomach]] within the abdomen.
* Mainly affects large, deep-chested dogs - Great Dane, St. Bernard's and occasionally German Shepherd dogs.
** A similar condition also occurs in the pig.
* Animal collapses suddenly and must be operated on rapidly.
* Usually occurs around 30 minutes after a meal, or following aerophagia.
** [[Forestomach - Anatomy & Physiology|Stomach]] is distended (gastric dilation).
** Animal excercises, and the [[Forestomach - Anatomy & Physiology|stomach]] twists 180 degrees clockwise on its mesentery.
* Torsion impairs the blood supply- the arterial supply is maintained BUT venous drainage is blocked.
** [[Forestomach - Anatomy & Physiology|Stomach]] wall becomes severely congested and infarction of gastric mucosa may occur.
* [[Forestomach - Anatomy & Physiology|Stomach]] blows up with gas and fluid.
** Block venous return to heart.
** Compresses diaphragm and interferes with respiration.
* '''The actual cause of the problem and the reason for accumulation of gas is unclear.'''
** It is better to feed big dogs small amounts more frequently.
* Following the pathogenesis above the [[Forestomach - Anatomy & Physiology|stomach]] contents appear dark red/black and bloody, and the organ may rupture.
* The [[Spleen - Anatomy & Physiology|spleen]] is also affected by venous occlusion.
** Becomes very congested and moves from left to right side of abdomen.
* Venous obstruction gives rise to congestion, oedema and necrosis of gastric mucosa.[[Category:Stomach_and_Abomasum_-_Pathology]][[Category:Dog]]
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