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At least 30 species of ''Staphyloccocus spp.'' have been identified. They appear as gram possitive cocci that form 'grape-like' clusters. They are falcultative anaerobes alowing them to survive in a wide variety of environments.
Although individual species may vary slightly, most have similar characteristics.
*Form grape-like clusters
*Moderate sized, white/golden colonies
*Facultative anaerobes
*Grow on non-enriched media
*Non motile
*Haemolytic, 4 haemolysins recognised
===Detections & Differentiation===
The most simple method of detection is to gram stain a sample, usually puss, and to then visualise the distinctive clusters under a microscope. This provides a basic identification of the type of bacteria, however occasionally it is necessary to identify the species that causing the infection. This can be done using various techniques based on the different characteristics of the species. Growing cultures on blood agar will enable identification of haemolytic vs. non haemolytic species. PCR is the most specific method of determining the species of bacteria but requires laboratory analysis of samples.
*Clusters of Gram-positive cocci
*At least 30 species
*Facultative anaerobes
*Catalase positive, oxidase negative, non-motile
*Virulent strains are coagulase positive
*Grow on non-enriched media
*White or golden colonies
*''S. aureus'' and ''S. intermedius'' produce double haemolysis; they produce alpha-haemolysin and beta-haemolysin
*''S. aureus'' and ''S. intermedius'' produce double haemolysis; they produce alpha-haemolysin and beta-haemolysin
*''S. hyicus'' is non-haemolytic
*''S. hyicus'' is non-haemolytic


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