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Combo of antifoliate drugs - trimethoprim sulfa (PO q12hrs, 4-8wks) plus pyrimethamine (Darapem(R) malaria drug) (PO q12h, 3 d then PO q24h 4-8wk), blood count eveyr 2wk during therapy because may cause foliate deficiency (leukopenia, thrombocytopenia & anaemia, rare) - discontinue and give folaite, foliate supplemnt - potential toxicity in mares, NSAIDS, no seroids (because of need for cell mediated immunity to control parasites) DMSO IV to decrease inflamation in 5% dextrose - given wihtiut difficulty but casues intravsacualr haemolysis so haemogloniuria or haematuria, variable positive or negaitve response time - insurance reuiqre 6wk before euthanise, montor CBC every 10-14d, folate inhibitors, can get pancytopenia, marked plateelet drop, cut back dose, multiple B vitmain supplement, stall rest, Diclazuril & Toltrazuril: antiprotozoal disease, need testing, euthanzie if dn't repsond. (Pasq)


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