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==[[Colibacillosis - Rabbit]]==
==[[Colibacillosis - Rabbit]]==
It can be encountered in pet rabbits of all ages, especially if they have been receiving doses of antibiotics that include gram-positive organisms in their spectrum of activity (Morisse 1978). This can be a particular problem if animals from different sources are mixed together on acquisition, especially in conditions of indifferent hygiene. The quality of the diet (especially the protein/cellulose ratio) and of the drinking water is also of aetiological importance.  The levels of ''E. coli'' in the intestinal lumen of a rabbit rises directly in proportion to infestation with ''Eimeria'' species (coccidians). 
===Clinical Signs===
==[[Tyzzer's disease]]==  
*profuse diarrhoea
Treatment is usually unrewarding.
*Oral administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics with known activity against gram-negative organisms, including ''E. coli''.
*Antispasmolytic agents such as hysocine  (Buscopan Compositum; Boehringer Ingelheim 1 mg per kilogram I/M or S/C once only or daily until the desired results are obtained)
*Fluids. Okerman (1994 p 37) warns that finding ''E. coli'' in large numbers merely reflects the ability of the organism to reproduce post-mortem and does not necessarily prove the diagnosis.
==Tyzzer's disease (or bacillary typhilitis)==
Tyzzer's disease is caused by the obligatory intracellular ''Clostridium (formerly Bacillus) piliformis'', a gram-variable organism diagnosed on post-mortem examination by histopathology utilising Giemsa or Warthin-Starry staining techniques (Walden 1990). The organism may be seen on impression smears of the ileum lining (see Okerman 1994). The organism does not grow on broth or agar. Predisposing causes in rabbits are not known (Carman 1994) but weanlings are most frequently affected.
Symptoms include acute depression, watery diarrhoea and a high mortality rate) or chronic weight loss.  Post-mortem findings include dehydration, oedema of the intestinal wall, necrosis of the colonic and caecal mucosa, and occasionally many necrotic foci in the liver.
Treatment is not generally recommended but may be attempted (tetracyclines).  The disease has also been reported under circumstances which suggested that it may be spread by wild mice (MAFF monthly report 080892).
Author, Donkey, Bureaucrats, Administrators


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