Fleece infection is known as lumpy wool. Infection passes from ewe to lamb during suckling and hence lesions first appear on the head which leads to infection on the trunk.
Three clinical syndromes have been documented:
*Lumpy wool
*Strawberry foot rot
*Fleece rot
Fleece infection is known as lumpy wool. Infection passes from ewe to lamb during suckling and hence lesions first appear on the head which leads to infection on the trunk. In wet weather can result in high morbidity outbreaks. Large areas of the fleece can be affected where crusts of varying thickness become evident. On haired skin, crusts can become very thick and can form horn like structures. In rams, severe infections can result in the scotum and surrounding skin becoming affected.
Strawberry foot rot is a condition affecting the lower pat of the limbs. The disease occurs as a result of Orf and Dermatophilus infection. Scabs get rubbed away leaving the granulating surface qhich resembles a strawbery.
Fleece rot
**Papules, serous, exudative matting of hair, raised crusty scabs
**Papules, serous, exudative matting of hair, raised crusty scabs
**Scab formation more prominent in sheep and cattle than in horses
**Scab formation more prominent in sheep and cattle than in horses