This is an indirect life cycle. Eggs are released into the environment through coughing and sneezing. Eggs are ingested by an intermediate host, most commonly the sheep and cattle. The larvae develop and migrate into the liver and the lungs. The larvae then enter the nymphal stage. The final host is infected via ingestion of inadequately cooked meat. The nymphs then migrate to the nasal cavity and sinuses. Infective nymphs mature to adults, and can survive for up to one year.
This is an indirect life cycle. Eggs are released into the environment through coughing and sneezing. Eggs are ingested by an intermediate host, most commonly the sheep and cattle. The larvae develop and migrate into the liver and the lungs. The larvae then enter the nymphal stage. The final host is infected via ingestion of inadequately cooked meat. The nymphs then migrate to the nasal cavity and sinuses. Infective nymphs mature to adults, and can survive for up to one year.