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Fever and muscle hyperaesthesia commonly begin to
respond within the first two to three days of clindamycin
or trimethoprim-sulphonamide administration; ocular
and CNS toxoplasmosis respond more slowly to therapy.
If fever or muscle hyperaesthesia are not lessening after
three days of treatment, an alternate anti-Toxoplasma
drug should be administered or other causes for the clinical
syndrome considered. It is unlikely that currently
available anti-Toxoplasma drugs can completely eliminate
the organism and so recurrences are common -
particularly in cats treated for less than four weeks.
Cats with fever or muscle hyperaesthesia generally
have a good prognosis. Cats with ocular or CNS toxoplasmosis
have a guarded prognosis. The prognosis is poor for
cats with hepatic or pulmonary disease caused by organism
replication, particularly immunocompromised cats.


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