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In cases of mild, acute BVD, lesions are rarely seen. When disease is more severe, the lymph nodes may appear swollen, there may be erosions and ulcerations of the gastrointestinal tract tract and serosal surfaces of the viscera may show petechial and ecchymotic hemorrhages<sup>39</sup>.
In cases of mild, acute BVD, lesions are rarely seen. When disease is more severe, the lymph nodes may appear swollen, there may be erosions and ulcerations of the gastrointestinal tract tract and serosal surfaces of the viscera may show petechial and ecchymotic hemorrhages<sup>39</sup>.
Much useful information can be gained from a detailed post
The pathology associated with mucosal disease is much more striking. Oral, lingual and buccal erosions are observed, and buccal lesions often coalesce to form larger areas of necrosis and sloughed epithelium. Oesophageal lesions present similarly. The gastrointestinal tract often shows characteristic pathology, but post-mortem examination must be performed soon after death so that these are not masked by autolytic changes. In the rumen, ulceration is rare but congestion and oedema may be seen along the pillars, and papillae can be reduced in size.
mortem examination of suspected cases of mucosal disease.
The full extent of oral, lingual and buccal erosions should be
observed. A common finding in the buccal mucosa is that the
small erosions have coalesced into larger areas of necrosis and
sloughed epithelium.
Similar erosions may be seen in the oesophagus. Ruminal
lesions, if present, are areas of congestion and oedema along
the ruminal pillars. Ulceration is rare. The large ruminal
papillae can be reduced in size.
The abomasum and small intestine provide the most
reliable sites for inspection but immediate autopsy is important
as post mortem changes in the gut are rapid and gaseous
extension can often mask the enteric erosions.
The abomasum usually shows several (five to 50) small
The abomasum usually shows several (five to 50) small
discoid erosions, about 5 mm diameter, with surrounding
discoid erosions, about 5 mm diameter, with surrounding


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