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In dogs, echocardiography is not particularly useful as a diagnostic tool for heartworm disease. In severe, chronic pulmonary hypertansion,  right ventricular hypertrophy, septal flattening, underloading of the left heart, and high-velocity tricuspid and pulmonic regurgitation may be seen<sup>1</sup>. With caval syndrome or high-burden infections, worms may be visualised in the right heart and vena cava.
In dogs, echocardiography is not particularly useful as a diagnostic tool for heartworm disease. In severe, chronic pulmonary hypertansion,  right ventricular hypertrophy, septal flattening, underloading of the left heart, and high-velocity tricuspid and pulmonic regurgitation may be seen<sup>1</sup>. With caval syndrome or high-burden infections, worms may be visualised in the right heart and vena cava.
In cats, worms can usually be imaged on echocardiography. Parallel hyperechoic lines, which are an image from the heartworm cuticle, may be seen in the right heart and pulmonary arteries. High worm burdens may be associated with worms in the right heart. Echocardiography is more important in cats than dogs because of the increased difficulty of diagnosis and the high sensitivity of the test in experienced hands.
Echocardiography is more important in cats than dogs because of the increased difficulty of diagnosis and the fact that this test can have a high sensitivity depending on operater experience<sup>1</sup>. Specificity is 100%<sup>5</sup>, and the test can help exclude or confirm other primary cardiac diseases such as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy<sup>3</sup>. Worms can usually be visualised as parallel hyperechoic lines<sup>1</sup>, and are seen in the right atrium and ventricle and main pulmonary artery<sup>1, 3, 5</sup>.
Cardiac ultrasound allows the direct
visualization of the parasites in right
atrium and ventricle, main pulmonary
artery and proximal tract of both its
peripheral branches (Fig. 3).
Specificity is virtually 100% and sensi-tivity in cats seems to be very high
(Venco et al., 1998, 1999b) because
the portion of caudal pulmonary arteries
that can not be thoroughly interrogate
because of the acoustic impedance
of the air inflated lungs is very short
when compared with the length of the
adult parasite. Based on these considerations,
cardiac ultrasonography
should be always performed when
heartworm infection is suspected.


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