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The Faculty of Veterinary Sciences is the oldest Veterinary Schools created in Latin America. First as School and later as Faculty that had been produced a grate number of excellent veterinarians and scientist.


Argentina have a large area call ‘Las Pampas” where beef cows grew freely for years. It helps the development of the argentinean beef industry between XVIII and XIX centuries. This development gives rise to the creation of the first Veterinary School in Latin America. Thus, in the Province of Buenos Aires the first 16 students started the school on August 6 of 1883. Four years later, in 1887 the first promotion of veterinarians received their certification on August 6th. Since then, August 6th is a day that all veterinarians celebrate in as the creation of the Veterinarian Sciences Argentina.


You can graduated from here with a degree in Veterinary Sciences. Also the Faculty offers a master degree in Calidad de los Alimentos, Bacteriologo clinic a industrial, as well as the PhD in Veterinary Sciences.



The school has a hospital for small animals, as well as a hospital for large animals.

School name

Facultas de Ciencias Veterinarias (Faculty of Veterinary Sciences).


It was established on 1887.

Twitter page



http://www.google.com/mapmaker?ll=47.569945,-52.711595&spn=0.023743,0.029612&z=15&q=a1c2s2&hl=en&gw=30&lyt=large_map Latitude: 34°54'40.58"S Longitude: 57°55'48.00"W

Website address


Contact details

Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Calle 60 y 118 S/N (1900), Casilla de Correo 296, City of La Plata, Province of Buenos Aires, Republic of Argentina. Phone: 54-221-423-6663. E-mail: prensaydifusion@fcv.unlp.edu.ar