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Also known as: '''''housesoiling'''''
Inappropriate elimination is a common problem that is often confused with [[Indoor Marking - Cat|indoor marking behaviour]]. Differences between inappropriate elimination and [[Indoor Marking - Cat|indoor marking]] are discussed in the general section on [[Housesoiling - Cat|housesoiling]].
Housetraining in cats is the product of innate substrate and preferences, combined with learning during development and the past and current availability of suitable latrine locations. Kittens appear not to learn latrine preferences by observing their mother, but rather by exploring and investigating with available substrates and locations. Failure to provide kittens with suitable latrine substrates can therefore lead to the development of undesirable substrate associations.
House soiling is a common problem for owners. There are generally two types, inappropriate elimination and marking behaviour. It is important to differentiate between them to identify the route of the problem, but they can also be present concurrently. Any underlying medical conditions must also be ruled out.
History taking should therefore include information about the [[Feline Socialisation|rearing and early environment]], the cat's level of housetraining prior to the problem developing, and information about changes in latrine provision such as switching of litter tray location or litter type. Cats prefer to use their own latrine sites rather than share them with other cats, so any level of antagonism between resident cats is likely to lead to housesoiling.
==General Aspects of Investigation of Housesoiling Cases==
==Normal Elimination Behaviour==
===Medical Assessment===
To understand the preferences of cats living in a domestic setting, it is important to understand the cat's normal elimination behaviour. Wild and feral cats use separate latrine sites for urine and faeces, and may have numerous latrines located around their peripheral territory. Latrines are located away from hunting, feeding and resting areas. Latrine sites are not shared with other cats, even when cats exist together in a naturally formed colony. The preferred substrate is usually dry sandy soil that is easy to dig. Cats are vulnerable to attack whilst eliminating, so they tend to be secretive.
Medical factors are very important in housesoiling and [[marking problems]]. Certain conditions are directly involved in the generation and maintenance of behavioural problems, whilst others are contributory in an indirect sense ''[see box].'' If a case is to be referred to a non-veterinary behaviourist, it is essential to rule out any potential underlying or contributory medical factor.
{| class="wikitable"
! Medical factors underlying housesoiling problems
| Conditions causing PU/PD: [[:Category:Renal Failure|renal insufficiency]], [[Diabetes Mellitus|diabetes mellitus]].
| Feline lower [[:Category:Urological Diseases - Cat|urinary tract disease]].
| Diseases causing debilitation: [[osteoarthritis]], senile dementia, and sensory loss.
| Diseases affecting cognition: senile dementia, [[:Category:Central Nervous System - Pathology|CNS pathology]] [primary or secondary to systemic disease].
The presence of urine and/or faeces deposited in the house or outside the litter tray is not definitive evidence of a behavioural problem; medical causes and underlying factors should always be ruled out before reaching a behavioural diagnosis. In multi-cat households, it is therefore important to  [[Housesoiling - Cat#Identifying the Culprit|identify which cat is responsible for the housesoiling]]. It is extremely unusual for a non-resident cat to enter and eliminate in another cat's home, but this may also need to be considered.
In any case of house soiling it is important to consider medical differentials before embarking on a purely behavioural assessment of the problem. Any condition which affects gastrointestinal or urinary tract function is a potential candidate for involvement in cases of inappropriate elimination and a full medical examination is therefore essential. Conditions which result in
polydipsia and polyuria may also be implicated when urine deposits are found in unusual locations and endocrine disorders should be considered when investigating these cases. Any medical condition which alters the cat’s mobility may limit its ability to gain access to latrines, and conditions which alter the animal’s cognitive ability or sensory perception may also contribute to a breakdown in previously well-established house training. Organic disease may also be a factor in cases of undesirable marking behaviour.
'''Common causal/contributory medical factors include:'''
The medical workup must include:
* Conditions causing PUPD
* Medical history
* Lower urinary tract disease
* Clinical examination – including abdominal palpation
* [[Diarrhoea]] and bowel disease
* Urinalysis
* Debilitating disease that makes access to latrines more difficult for the cat (e.g. [[Degenerative Joint Disease|osteoarthritis]] and cardiopulmonary disease)
* Assessment of mobility, cognitive function and sensory perception
* [[Feline Cognitive Dysfunction|Cognitive dysfunction syndrome]]
* Further investigation through haematology, biochemistry or imaging techniques
==Typical Causes of Inappropriate Elimination==
===Behavioural Assessment===
Many of the causes of inappropriate elimination relate to relative unsuitability of available latrine sites. Feral and wild cats have the freedom to choose their own latrine sites, and will select places that provide an acceptable compromise of ideal features that is tolerable to the individual. For example, for some individuals substrate is more important then privacy, and vice versa. In a domestic setting, cats also differ in their tolerance of substrate type, privacy and sharing of latrine sites with other cats, but the range of options that are acceptable to the owner is far more limited. Often inappropriate elimination does not start because a single feature of the litter tray is undesirable to the cat, but because a combination of factors causes the cat to choose another location.
'''Some common causes include:'''
[[Inappropriate elimination]] and [[indoor marking behaviour]] may be difficult to differentiate in some cases, and in many they occur together. It is important to collect all of the information needed to make a judgement:
* '''Inappropriate substrate''': Cats appear to prefer unscented, sand-like mineral based litter in a tray filled to a depth of 2-3cm. Scented, pine or wood-pulp based litters are often aversive to cats, although they may tolerate them if other characteristics of the litter tray are acceptable. Litters based on pine chippings have become popular due to owner concerns about biodegradability. However, these release the acrid chemical pineol when wetted with urine. Cats find this deterrent, especially in covered litter trays.
* '''Lack of privacy in latrine locations''': Cats may refuse to use litter trays that are placed too close to feeding areas or cat doors, or sited in busy places where the cat will be disturbed whilst eliminating. A previously satisfactory location may become unacceptable if the presence of new pets or children constantly disturbs the cat, or if non-resident cats settle in vantage points that overlooks the litter tray location.
* '''Competition for latrine sites''': Wild and feral cats do not share latrines, and they use separate sites for urine and faeces. In multi-cat households there may be competition for use of litter trays, which can also fill up with urine and faeces, making them unacceptable.
* '''Despotism''': Some cats show a pattern of despotic control around resources, latrine sites and cat doors, constantly guarding them and intimidating other cats that try to access them. In most cases this is due to a general lack of available resources. Despots may be resident cats controlling resources within the home, or non-resident cats seeking to drive away territorial competitors. Timid, non-assertive cats may choose to use inappropriate latrine sites in the house rather than challenge an aggressive despot.
* '''Negative litter box associations''': A cat may become reluctant to use a litter tray where it has previously been disturbed or attacked, or where it has experienced pain on micturition (associated with LUTD).
* '''Inability to use/find litter trays''': Cats with physical debilitation or cognitive dysfunction syndrome may be unable to find or get to latrine sites, especially if they do not have a litter tray and usually go to the toilet outside. They may be unable to make use of high-sided or covered trays.
* '''Punishment''': Owners may punish cats when they catch them eliminating in an inappropriate location. Cats have not evolved to accept social control over basic functions such as going to the toilet, and are unlikely to associate their specific actions with punishment. They are more likely to find their owner's behaviour intimidating, which can make them wary of eliminating when the owner is present. This can become a serious problem if the cat is is subsequently deterred from using a litter tray when the owner is present.
* '''Health problems''': Cats with polyuria/polydipsia (PU/PD), incontinence, [[:Category:Urological Diseases - Cat|feline lower urinary tract disease]] (FLUTD) or recurrent/chronic [[diarrhoea]] are unlikely to maintain a normal or acceptable pattern of elimination.
==Feline Idopathic Cystitis==
* Age of onset
[[Cystitis|Feline idiopathic cystitis]] (FIC) is a complex condition that involves neurological changes in spinal pain fibres and biochemical changes in the bladder wall. The precise aetiology is not fully understood but there appears to be an association between stress and FIC. Bladder permeability in FIC affected cats is increased by stress<ref>Westropp, J.L., Kass, P.H., Buffington, C.A. (2006) Evaluation of the effects of stress in cats with idiopathic cystitis. "Am J Vet Res.". 67(4):731-6.</ref>, and the frequency and severity of signs is associated with stressors such as conflict with another resident cat<ref>Cameron, M.E., Casey, R.A., Bradshaw, J.W., Waran, N.K., Gunn-Moore, D.A. (2004) A study of environmental and behavioural factors that may be associated with feline idiopathic cystitis. "J Small Anim Pract". 45(3):144-7.</ref>. Cats with FIC also appear to show differences in their response to stimuli, being more stress responsive and easily startled by noises<ref>Hague, D.W., Stella, J.L., Buffington, C.A. (2013) Effects of interstitial cystitis on the acoustic startle reflex in cats. "Am J Vet Res". 74(1):144-7.</ref>.Cats with FIC exhibit a characteristic set of sickness behaviours that are the result of inflammatory cytokine activation<ref>Stella, J.L., Lord, L.K., Buffington, C.A.T. (2011) Sickness behaviors in response to unusual external events in healthy cats and cats with feline interstitial cystitis. "J Am Vet Med Assoc". 238:67–73.</ref>.
* Previous record of house training
* Present reaction to litter facilities
* Pattern of deposits – location, frequency, volume
* Orientation of deposits – onto vertical or horizontal surfaces
* Posture of cat during deposition
* Relationships between animals in the household
* Presence or absence of the owner or other animals around the time of soiling [including other cats seen outside].
* Owner’s reaction to the deposits
* Events in the household or the neighbourhood coinciding with the onset of the behaviour
* Assessment of the cat’s emotional reactions to novelty in the environment and to strangers
This indicates a strong connection between aspects of temperament, environmental stressors and FIC, which has led to the adoption of a multimodal strategy for the treatment of the disease<ref>Buffington, C.A.T., Westropp, J.L., Chew, D.J., (2008). Clinical evaluation of multimodal environmental modification (MEMO) in the management of cats with idiopathic cystitis. "J Feline Med Surg". 8:261–268.</ref>.
===Using a House Plan=== ''separate page?''
One of the most useful tools when investigating a problem of feline house soiling is a plan of the house in which the cat lives. This does not need to be a detailed scale drawing but rather a basic plan indicating the layout of rooms in the house, the position of windows, doors and major furniture and the location of major resources such as feeding and watering stations, sleeping  locations and play areas. Each individual cat’s favourite resting places and rooms they prefer to inhabit should be noted on the diagram. The client should mark onto this diagram the location of urine and faeces that they have found. ''[see figure]''
'''FIC should therefore be considered an important underlying factor in inappropriate elimination in cats.'''
To give a better indication of the development of the problem, the client should note the current frequency of urine/faecal deposition at a particular site, as well as how early in the development of the problem urine or faeces were first found there. A convenient way to do this is to label each location on the diagram with a number of stars to indicate current frequency and a number that indicates whether that spot was one of the first, or last places to be
soiled, or somewhere in between. The clinician may use this diagram ''[see example]'' as a basis for recording additional information about each mark, such as the volume of urine at a site, where precisely on furniture or decorations it is located and whether any particular event appears connected to it.
The pattern of urine and faecal deposits can point to the source of the problem. For example, if the first deposits were found close to doors and windows, it is suggestive that the perceived threat was coming from outside the home whilst initial deposits in the centre of rooms or onto new pieces of furniture would suggest that the disruption of the cat’s security was coming
from within the household.
===Medical Factors===
Once all of this information has been collected, it is then possible to make judgements about the nature of the problem, whether it is a matter of '''indoor marking or elimination''' and what the motivation may be.
Causal and contributory medical factors should be investigated and treated. Conditions such as FIC should be ruled out.
===Environment Issues===
==Differentiating Between Elimination and Marking==
Common environmental changes that precipitate inappropriate elimination include:
* Change of litter type.
* Relocation of litter tray.
* Switch from uncovered to covered litter tray (or vice versa).
* Relocation of other resources (e.g. feeding bowl moved closer to litter tray).
* Installation of household equipment (e.g. noisy washing machine or boiler close to litter tray).
* Increase in household disturbance or noise levels (e.g. due to building).
* House move.
Typically, it is possible to identify one or two environmental changes that have precipitated the inappropriate elimination problem.
Once full information has been collected about the location and characteristics of each urine or faecal deposit, it is possible to differentiate between its cause.
However, it is very important not to treat the problem at this superficial level. If a single apparently inconsequential change has triggered a period of inappropriate elimination then it is very likely that there are other underlying problems that also need to be addressed. Not to do so may leave the cat vulnerable to welfare and behavioural problems in the future, and an incomplete or temporary resolution of the current problem of inappropriate elimination.
'''The presence of a problem of inappropriate elimination should be regarded as an indicator of general environmental inadequacy, and an opportunity to review the cat's living conditions.'''
===Positioning of Deposits and Reaction to the Litter Tray===
'''The amount, choice and distribution of resources should be reviewed and improved, for example:'''
In the case of [[marking]], the areas that the cat uses to deposit urine or faeces will often be of behavioural significance, for example areas that smell of the owner or of the new cat in the household or locations which are associated with potential threat from the outside world. There is often a provoking stimulus for this inappropriate behaviour such as some disruption to the home environment or competition within the local neighbourhood and the location of the marking deposits will reflect this. Urine or faecal marks are placed strategically in order to provide a signal to other cats, which means that they must be placed in locations that are likely to be noticed. The act of [[spraying]] itself also involves an element of [[visual display]]. It should be remembered that odour marks are not merely of use to the ‘sender’ of the signal, who is trying
* Provide ad-lib food where possible, preferably in more than one site and using activity feeding devices.
to maintain distance from other cats. They are also of use to the ‘receiver’, who is equally keen to avoid direct physical conflict. The location of scent marks therefore follows conventions that allow other cats to find and investigate them easily. Such places might include on door frames, or on doors, or on pieces of furniture that face doors or windows.
* Increase the number of places to climb, hide, claw and rest.
* Provide a choice of outdoor access points if there are signs of competition around the cat door.
* Install an electronic coded cat door that only permits access by resident cats (especially if there is evidence that non-resident cats have been coming into the home.
If there is a garden, this can easily be adapted to provide environmental enrichment for the cat, reducing pressure on indoor resources for multi-cat households.
[[Inappropriate indoor elimination]], on the other hand, will usually take place in quiet secluded locations which reflect the sort of places which cats would naturally choose to use as latrines. It is also likely that elimination sites will have certain common characteristics in terms of the substrate that is used and cats will often develop preferences for the inappropriate substrate, such as carpet or linen, and return to similar surfaces repeatedly. These inappropriate substrates may be similar to those the cat was forced to use as a kitten, through an inadequate provision of proper latrines in the rearing environment.
If factions have been identified in the household, resources should be distributed so that each faction has access to a full set of its own resources in a location that it tends to favour.
One useful difference between indoor ‘markers’ and ‘toileters’ is their reaction to the indoor latrine facilities, with ‘markers’ often continuing to use the litter tray and ‘toileters’ actively avoiding the facilities provided. Indeed, in cases of a lack of, or a breakdown of house-training, signs of aversion to the litter tray may be the first thing that the owner notices.
Distributing resources around the home also prevents resident despots from being able to monopolise resources and intimidate other cats. This also helps to undermine the activities of feline despots who try to monopolise specific resources.
===Litter Tray and Latrine Sites===
Cats with [[lower urinary tract disease]] will often use several different sites in the house during the same period, breaking the usual pattern of the cat using only one or two latrines. This is because pain associated with micturition in each of the latrine sites discourages repeated use of the same locations. The cat associates eliminating in that place with pain or dysuria and chooses somewhere else next time. Amounts of urine found at each site may be smaller
Although cats vary in their specific preferences, and their tolerance for particular defects in litter tray provision, a general guide for litter tray provision in problem cases would be as follows:
then normal and have a strong odour or contain blood. This pattern of urination is often cyclical, with cats eliminating normally for a few weeks and then suffering another bout of generalised housesoiling. This fits with the cyclical nature of the severity of lower urinary tract disease, which may wax and wane.
* High sided tray that is large enough for the cat to turn around in (many trays are not large enough).
* Unscented, fine grained, mineral based litter.
* Located where the cat can access it easily, but without be disturbed whilst eliminating.
* One litter tray pet cat, plus one extra (to allow cats to avoid sharing latrines).
Cats show no general preference for covered or open litter trays<ref>Grigg, E.K., Pick, L., Nibblett, B., (2013) Litter box preference in domestic cats: covered versus uncovered. "J Feline Med Surg." 15(4):280-4.</ref>, so a choice should be provided until the cat's preference is established.
===Frequency of Deposits===
A commonly overlooked aspect of dealing with inappropriate elimination problems is the potential to provide cats with designated outdoor latrine facilities. The commonest complaint about neighbourhood cats, by cat owners and non-owners alike, is that they defecate in people's gardens. However, most cat owners do not provide either a litter tray or a suitable garden location for a toilet. The owner's garden may be mostly patio or grass, neither of which is a suitable toilet location. All owners should be encouraged to install outdoor cat toilets, or to create an area that the cat can use. A typical outdoor cat toilet can be prepared as follows:
If a cat is depositing urine and faeces, as part of the normal function of elimination, the frequency will reflect this and deposits will be limited in their number. However, when cats are using the deposits as a form of marking there is no limit on the frequency of deposition and it is not unusual for a urine spraying cat to leave in excess of thirty marks within the home in a 24-hour period.
* Choose an area in a border or flowerbed where the cat can have some privacy.
* Dig a hole that is about the size of a cat litter tray, but 30-60cm deep.
* Fill the hole with soft playground sand (not sharp sand that is commonly used for construction purposes).
===Deterring Inappropriate Elimination===
===Volume of Deposits===
If suitable latrines have been provided, and the general environment has been improved for the cat(s), then it is acceptable to use mild deterrents to encourage cats to stop using inappropriate elimination sites. The best indication of what measures may deter the cat is the reason why it chose that location to begin with, for example:
* '''If the site has been chosen for increased privacy:''' Restrict or block access to the location, or install a radio or bright table lamp that illuminates the area. Battery powered infra-red activated lamps can also be used; these switch on as the cat approaches.
* '''If the site has been chosen for substrate:''' Cover the area with aluminium foil, double sided adhesive tape, or polythene that make the surface unpleasant to stand on.
* '''If the site has been chosen to avoid eliminating near other resources:''' Place small bowls of food close to the location so that it becomes designated as a feeding station instead of a latrine.
===Social Issues===
Social problems can originate with resident and non-resident cats.
In areas of high cat population density, non-resident cats may compete with resident cats for outdoor space and latrine sites. They may even enter the home to steal food, which not only depletes resources for the resident cats but may also deter them from accessing other nearby resources (such as a litter tray). A secure, coded cat door that prevents access by non-resident cats should be installed. It should be fitted with an opaque door, or the door should be painted or covered with film so that non-residents cannot see into the house.
Conflict between resident cats can be identified using the interaction diagram shown in the overview section on [[Housesoiling - Cat|housesoiling]]. Apart from providing each cat or faction with its own set of resources, it may be possible to improve cohesion between all group members by the creation of an enhanced group odour. Cats identify each other through the use of allorubbing and allogrooming to create a common odour signal that identifies all members of the group. Factions within a household may not allorub and allogroom, so they do not share a group odour. The owner can deliberately transfer odour between group members through grooming. The core territory of cats is a location where they do not expect to encounter unfamiliar cats, and where they do not usually eliminate. The use of a [[Pheromonotherapy - Cat|F3 (Feliway)]] diffuser may help to strengthen the core territory pheromone marks, and thereby reduce stress and social conflict between resident cats.
===Psychoactive Drug Therapy===
Cats that are '''anxious, inhibited''', or '''fearful''' may be unable to utilise an enriched or altered environment, or adapt to change. They may benefit from treatment with psychoactive medication.
In the dog, [[Selegiline|'''selegiline''']] is licensed for the treatment of behavioural problems with an underlying emotional cause (UK and EU license). It is not licensed for use in the cat, but could be used in accordance with CASCADE. This drug increases exploratory behaviour and decreases apprehension. It can take up to 8 weeks to reach efficacy, but typically some improvement is seen after 4-6 weeks in cats.
Selegiline has minimal anxiolytic effects, so for cats with generalised anxiety or signs of panic a serotonergic drug such as [[Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (Clomipramine, Fluoxetine)|fluoxetine or clomipramine]] may be preferable. Clomipramine is licensed for the treatment of separation anxiety in the dog, but not licensed for use in cats.
Neither selegiline nor serotonergic drugs have a specific indication for inappropriate elimination; they are used to alleviate underlying emotional problems that contribute to the problem. Long term drugs of this kind should be continued until the cat is fully utilising resources and has not eliminated in the house for 6-8 weeks.
{| class="wikitable" style="color: black; background-color: white;" width="85%;"
| colspan="2"|<center>'''Treatment of Inappropriate Elimination'''</center>
| style="width: 20%; background-color: white;"|'''General environmental and social issues''':
| style="width: 80%; background-color: white;"|
* Increase amount, choice and distribution of resources available to the cat(s).
* Locate resources for easy access by the various cats and factions within the household.
* Give the cats indoor-outdoor access with a secure electronic coded cat door.
* Provide food ad-lib, preferably using activity feeding.
* Provide more choice of resting and hiding locations.
* Install F3 diffusers, to reduce stress due to inter-cat tension in multi-cat households, and provide a stronger pheromonal signature for the core territory.
* Use scent swapping to improve group odour.
* Consider temporarily isolating and then reintroducing cats if there are problems of aggression.
| '''Latrine number, location and substrate''':
* Latrines should be relocated to quiet areas.
* Litter trays should be deep filled (3cm) with a mineral-based or clumping litter (not pine or wood-pulp based or scented).
* In some cases using pure sand or a 50% mixture of litter and sand as a substrate in trays, is attractive to cats.
* A mixture of covered and open litter trays may be trialled.
* Additional outdoor toilets should be provided.
* Total latrine number may need to be as many as one per cat plus one extra.
* A specific latrine location may be made to feel more secure by locating an F3 diffuser (Feliway) next to it.
| '''Owner behaviour''':
* Stop punishment of inappropriate elimination.
| '''Psychoactive drug therapy''':
* Selegiline: specific fear with behavioural inhibition that limits normal behaviour
* Clomipramine/Fluoxetine: chronic anxiety (concomitant signs of stress such as over grooming).
* Clomipramine/Amitriptylline: FIC
The amount of urine that is deposited can also help to determine the motivation for the behaviour with toileting problems usually involving larger quantities than [[marking]] problems. However, this can be confusing since a small amount of urine can be absorbed by carpets and other fabrics and the size of the moist patch on the floor can be misleading! Cats with FLUTD will pass many
small quantities of urine in several sites, causing confusion with a marking problem. Likewise, cats with chronic diarrhoea. However, the choice of location will still fit with normal defaecation or urination.
The prognosis for cats with house-soiling problems is good, as long as owners can accept that there may be brief relapses in the future. Even if the domestic indoor and outdoor environment is optimised and relationships between cats in the household have been improved, there is always the possibility that new cats to the neighbourhood may upset the situation.
===Posture of Cat and Orientation of Deposits===
Cats with a history of inadequate housetraining, or inappropriate substrate or location preference are likely to relapse on occasion during periods of stress, or if the owner makes changes to existing toilets. These cats may always be a short step from reverting to using their own preferred toilet sites so it is important to stick to environmental modifications that work.
The posture of the cat can help in the differentiation process, since [[indoor urine spraying]] is usually associated with a characteristic stance. This is related to the function of the marking behaviour since a standing posture allows the cat to deposit urine on a vertical surface at just the correct height for another cat to sniff at it and take in the important information.
However, urine marking does not exclusively occur from a standing posture and it can be performed from a squatting position, which closely resembles the posture adopted during the act of elimination. This fact must be borne in mind when attempting to differentiate between motivations as it is easy to dismiss squatting urination on horizontal surfaces as always being eliminative and yet there are occasions when the cat is actually using that sort of urination as a
marking behaviour.
===Pattern of Urine and Faeces Deposition [identified using a house plan]===
Also see:
:[[Housesoiling - Cat]]
:[[Indoor Marking - Cat]]
''Certain patterns are classic indicators of a specific underlying motivation. For example, if the first urine marking deposits were found close to external doors and windows it is suggestive that the perceived threat was coming from outside the home, whilst initial deposits in the centre of rooms, corridors or staircases, or onto new pieces of furniture would suggest that the disruption of the cat’s security was coming from within the household.'' As a situation progresses, the pattern becomes more confusing so that it becomes very difficult to identify the originating cause unless the historical development of the pattern of the marking or elimination is known. For example, urine marking may progress from door and window areas to hallways and rooms if a neighbourhood despot begins to invade the resident cat’s home.
{{Jon Bowen written
|date = June 26, 2014
[[Category:Feline Housesoiling]]
[[Category:To Do - Behaviour]]

Revision as of 10:50, 5 March 2014

Also known as: housesoiling


House soiling is a common problem for owners. There are generally two types, inappropriate elimination and marking behaviour. It is important to differentiate between them to identify the route of the problem, but they can also be present concurrently. Any underlying medical conditions must also be ruled out.

General Aspects of Investigation of Housesoiling Cases

Medical Assessment

Medical factors are very important in housesoiling and marking problems. Certain conditions are directly involved in the generation and maintenance of behavioural problems, whilst others are contributory in an indirect sense [see box]. If a case is to be referred to a non-veterinary behaviourist, it is essential to rule out any potential underlying or contributory medical factor.

Medical factors underlying housesoiling problems
Conditions causing PU/PD: renal insufficiency, diabetes mellitus.
Feline lower urinary tract disease.
Diseases causing debilitation: osteoarthritis, senile dementia, and sensory loss.
Diseases affecting cognition: senile dementia, CNS pathology [primary or secondary to systemic disease].

In any case of house soiling it is important to consider medical differentials before embarking on a purely behavioural assessment of the problem. Any condition which affects gastrointestinal or urinary tract function is a potential candidate for involvement in cases of inappropriate elimination and a full medical examination is therefore essential. Conditions which result in polydipsia and polyuria may also be implicated when urine deposits are found in unusual locations and endocrine disorders should be considered when investigating these cases. Any medical condition which alters the cat’s mobility may limit its ability to gain access to latrines, and conditions which alter the animal’s cognitive ability or sensory perception may also contribute to a breakdown in previously well-established house training. Organic disease may also be a factor in cases of undesirable marking behaviour.

The medical workup must include:

  • Medical history
  • Clinical examination – including abdominal palpation
  • Urinalysis
  • Assessment of mobility, cognitive function and sensory perception
  • Further investigation through haematology, biochemistry or imaging techniques

Behavioural Assessment

Inappropriate elimination and indoor marking behaviour may be difficult to differentiate in some cases, and in many they occur together. It is important to collect all of the information needed to make a judgement:

  • Age of onset
  • Previous record of house training
  • Present reaction to litter facilities
  • Pattern of deposits – location, frequency, volume
  • Orientation of deposits – onto vertical or horizontal surfaces
  • Posture of cat during deposition
  • Relationships between animals in the household
  • Presence or absence of the owner or other animals around the time of soiling [including other cats seen outside].
  • Owner’s reaction to the deposits
  • Events in the household or the neighbourhood coinciding with the onset of the behaviour
  • Assessment of the cat’s emotional reactions to novelty in the environment and to strangers

===Using a House Plan=== separate page? One of the most useful tools when investigating a problem of feline house soiling is a plan of the house in which the cat lives. This does not need to be a detailed scale drawing but rather a basic plan indicating the layout of rooms in the house, the position of windows, doors and major furniture and the location of major resources such as feeding and watering stations, sleeping locations and play areas. Each individual cat’s favourite resting places and rooms they prefer to inhabit should be noted on the diagram. The client should mark onto this diagram the location of urine and faeces that they have found. [see figure]

To give a better indication of the development of the problem, the client should note the current frequency of urine/faecal deposition at a particular site, as well as how early in the development of the problem urine or faeces were first found there. A convenient way to do this is to label each location on the diagram with a number of stars to indicate current frequency and a number that indicates whether that spot was one of the first, or last places to be soiled, or somewhere in between. The clinician may use this diagram [see example] as a basis for recording additional information about each mark, such as the volume of urine at a site, where precisely on furniture or decorations it is located and whether any particular event appears connected to it.

The pattern of urine and faecal deposits can point to the source of the problem. For example, if the first deposits were found close to doors and windows, it is suggestive that the perceived threat was coming from outside the home whilst initial deposits in the centre of rooms or onto new pieces of furniture would suggest that the disruption of the cat’s security was coming from within the household.

Once all of this information has been collected, it is then possible to make judgements about the nature of the problem, whether it is a matter of indoor marking or elimination and what the motivation may be.

Differentiating Between Elimination and Marking

Once full information has been collected about the location and characteristics of each urine or faecal deposit, it is possible to differentiate between its cause.

Positioning of Deposits and Reaction to the Litter Tray

In the case of marking, the areas that the cat uses to deposit urine or faeces will often be of behavioural significance, for example areas that smell of the owner or of the new cat in the household or locations which are associated with potential threat from the outside world. There is often a provoking stimulus for this inappropriate behaviour such as some disruption to the home environment or competition within the local neighbourhood and the location of the marking deposits will reflect this. Urine or faecal marks are placed strategically in order to provide a signal to other cats, which means that they must be placed in locations that are likely to be noticed. The act of spraying itself also involves an element of visual display. It should be remembered that odour marks are not merely of use to the ‘sender’ of the signal, who is trying to maintain distance from other cats. They are also of use to the ‘receiver’, who is equally keen to avoid direct physical conflict. The location of scent marks therefore follows conventions that allow other cats to find and investigate them easily. Such places might include on door frames, or on doors, or on pieces of furniture that face doors or windows.

Inappropriate indoor elimination, on the other hand, will usually take place in quiet secluded locations which reflect the sort of places which cats would naturally choose to use as latrines. It is also likely that elimination sites will have certain common characteristics in terms of the substrate that is used and cats will often develop preferences for the inappropriate substrate, such as carpet or linen, and return to similar surfaces repeatedly. These inappropriate substrates may be similar to those the cat was forced to use as a kitten, through an inadequate provision of proper latrines in the rearing environment.

One useful difference between indoor ‘markers’ and ‘toileters’ is their reaction to the indoor latrine facilities, with ‘markers’ often continuing to use the litter tray and ‘toileters’ actively avoiding the facilities provided. Indeed, in cases of a lack of, or a breakdown of house-training, signs of aversion to the litter tray may be the first thing that the owner notices.

Cats with lower urinary tract disease will often use several different sites in the house during the same period, breaking the usual pattern of the cat using only one or two latrines. This is because pain associated with micturition in each of the latrine sites discourages repeated use of the same locations. The cat associates eliminating in that place with pain or dysuria and chooses somewhere else next time. Amounts of urine found at each site may be smaller then normal and have a strong odour or contain blood. This pattern of urination is often cyclical, with cats eliminating normally for a few weeks and then suffering another bout of generalised housesoiling. This fits with the cyclical nature of the severity of lower urinary tract disease, which may wax and wane.

Frequency of Deposits

If a cat is depositing urine and faeces, as part of the normal function of elimination, the frequency will reflect this and deposits will be limited in their number. However, when cats are using the deposits as a form of marking there is no limit on the frequency of deposition and it is not unusual for a urine spraying cat to leave in excess of thirty marks within the home in a 24-hour period.

Volume of Deposits

The amount of urine that is deposited can also help to determine the motivation for the behaviour with toileting problems usually involving larger quantities than marking problems. However, this can be confusing since a small amount of urine can be absorbed by carpets and other fabrics and the size of the moist patch on the floor can be misleading! Cats with FLUTD will pass many small quantities of urine in several sites, causing confusion with a marking problem. Likewise, cats with chronic diarrhoea. However, the choice of location will still fit with normal defaecation or urination.

Posture of Cat and Orientation of Deposits

The posture of the cat can help in the differentiation process, since indoor urine spraying is usually associated with a characteristic stance. This is related to the function of the marking behaviour since a standing posture allows the cat to deposit urine on a vertical surface at just the correct height for another cat to sniff at it and take in the important information.

However, urine marking does not exclusively occur from a standing posture and it can be performed from a squatting position, which closely resembles the posture adopted during the act of elimination. This fact must be borne in mind when attempting to differentiate between motivations as it is easy to dismiss squatting urination on horizontal surfaces as always being eliminative and yet there are occasions when the cat is actually using that sort of urination as a marking behaviour.

Pattern of Urine and Faeces Deposition [identified using a house plan]

Certain patterns are classic indicators of a specific underlying motivation. For example, if the first urine marking deposits were found close to external doors and windows it is suggestive that the perceived threat was coming from outside the home, whilst initial deposits in the centre of rooms, corridors or staircases, or onto new pieces of furniture would suggest that the disruption of the cat’s security was coming from within the household. As a situation progresses, the pattern becomes more confusing so that it becomes very difficult to identify the originating cause unless the historical development of the pattern of the marking or elimination is known. For example, urine marking may progress from door and window areas to hallways and rooms if a neighbourhood despot begins to invade the resident cat’s home.