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==Introduction== <!----Write below this line--->
[https://staging.vetstream.com/canis/Content/Freeform/fre00733 Diabetes mellitus]
The University of Bologna (also called Alma Mater Studiorum in latin), was first founded in 1088 and it is considered the oldest University in Europe. The University of Bologna is made up of 11 different schools (after the School Reform of 2010). One of this is the School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine,fonded in 1783. This comprehends a variety of disciplines related with science life such as animal and botanical science, studying the mechanisms beneath the different pathologies.
==History== <!----Write below this line--->
[https://staging.vetstream.com/canis/Content/Freeform/fre00907 Perioperative complications: GI surgery]
The University of Bologna veterinary and agriculture studies were first described around the eighteenth century.  
The independence of these two branches of studies, achieved in the 1879 and 1900, is now lost, since the recent creation of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture.  
The School includes different locations: Ozzano dell'Emilia hosts the Veterinary Medicine course, while other related courses are located in Cesena, Cesenatico and Imola.
==Education== <!----Write below this line--->
The School runs 15 courses of study. One of these is the Veterinary Medicine course,which allows the graduated students of UNIBO to work as veterinarians around the Europe. In fact UNIBO Veterinary Medicine course was the first to achieve an EAEVE accreditation
(European Association of Establishments of Veterinary Education) which testify his hight teaching level, comparing it to the best Universities in Europe.
==Research== <!----Write below this line--->
Research activity at the University of Bologna (UNIBO) is a priority.
The University collaborates with national and international research centres, through multi-disciplinary teams.
The results are relevant scientific advances, embracing many thematic areas such as base research, clinical science,farm animals welfare and productions, population health and biotechnology.
The School teaching centres include important didactic/experimental facilities such as: a teaching hospital, an experimental byre, a cheese factory, an experimental abattoir and a centre for artificial insemination of various animal species.
The teaching hospital comprehend two buildings dedicated respectively to small and large animals. Here students can work with veterinarians to offer high level of care and follow referral cases together with daily  journal clubs.
The hospital has always been one of the strengths of UNIBO Veterinary School. The modern facilities and the high level of knowledge of our staff allowed us to develop a strong awareness of animal health and well-being.
UNIBO "mission" is to improve the quality of the lives of our animals, together with the public health quality lives, collaborating with owners and colleagues and continuously promoting veterinary medicine advances and pioneer techniques.
==School name== <!----Write below this line--->
Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna
==Established== <!----Write below this line--->
==Student Ambassador== <!----Write below this line--->
Giulia Baldoni
==Facebook page== <!----Write below this line--->
==Location== <!----Write below this line--->
Ozzano dell'Emilia, 12 kilometers far from Bologna
==Principal's name== <!----Write below this line--->
Anna Zaghini
==Total number of Students== <!----Write below this line--->
About 1500
==Number of Undergraduates== <!----Write below this line--->
==Number of Postgraduates== <!----Write below this line--->
==Website address== <!----Write below this line--->
==Contact details== <!----Write below this line--->
50, Tolara di Sopra street
40064 Ozzano dell'Emilia, Bologna.
Geographic coordinates: N 44,43450; E 11,48628.

Latest revision as of 15:49, 8 July 2015