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===Contagious ecthyma===
*AKA contagious pustular dermatitis, Orf, etc
===General information===
*CE is an acute debilitating but rarely fatal skin disease of sheep, goats and incidentally of ruminants and humans.
*The disease is generally mild.
*Morbidity may reach 90%, but mortality rarely exceeds 1%, unless secondary infection or myiasis occurs. 
*The course of the disease without complications is 2‑6 weeks, and it takes about 10 weeks to run a course through a naive flock, but often lingers indefinitely in the flock because it can reinfect the same animal many times and is resistant to desiccation. 
*PPV's generally exhibit a highly restricted host range but in all cases can also infect man.
===Aetiological agent===
*The virus is a large, enveloped, highly epitheliotropic, DNA virus which is ovoid in shape and measures 220‑300 x 140‑170 nm.  *There are over 100 polypeptides in the virion. 
*The core proteins include a transcriptase and several other enzymes. 
*The virus is immunologically related to those causing bovine papular stomatitis, pseudocowpox, sealpox, deer PPV, red squirrel PPV and camel PPV. 
*There is extensive cross‑neutralization and cross‑protection between viruses belonging to the same genus, but not between those of different genera. 
*The virus is resistant to desiccation.
===Differential diagnosis===
*  Sheep pox: A more severe disease, it is characterized by elevated papules distributed diffusely over the skin surface.  Inclusion bodies are often seen, but there is no down‑growth of epidermis.  There is a high mortality.
*  Ulcerative dermatosis:  Characterized by ulcers and crusts on the skin of the face, feet and genitalia.  The lesions are not elevated because there is no epithelial hyperplasia.
*  Blue‑tongue:  There is a lower morbidity but a high mortality.  The disease is usually seen in adult animals.  This is a severe systemic disease which is a differential only for the rare, systemic form of CE.
*  Mycotic dermatitis:  The scabs are smaller and thinner and lighter and usually yellowish in color.  The crusts are not firmly attached.
*  Foot and mouth disease:  When lesions occur in the mouth.


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