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* MHC class II molecules bind antigenic peptides and present them to TCR on CD4+ T-cells
*MHC II presents '''exogenous''' (that is, derived from the ECF) peptides
* The antigen-binding groove is larger and more open than that of MHC class I
*Endocytosed antigen interacts with MHC II in the cytoplasm to form a complex:
** MHC II can therefore interact with larger peptides
**Antigen is endoycotsed from the ECF
**Lysosomes fuse with primary endosomes to digest the antigen to peptides
**MHC II is meanwhile being produced by the endoplasmic reticulum, along with an invariant chain chaperone
**These pathways (endoytotic and secretory) merge to allow interaction between the antigen and MHC II:
***The invariant chain is digested, leaving a CLIP peptide in the binding groove
***Foreign antigen then replaces the CLIP peptide
*The MHC II-antigen complex is then secreted to the cell surface for presentation to [[Lymphocytes - WikiBlood#Helper CD4+|CD4+ T-cells]]
* MHC class II are present on those cells that have antigen-processing ability
* MHC class II are present on those cells that have antigen-processing ability
** Interact with antigenic peptides originating from an extracellular source
* After synthesis, MHC class II molecules are transported into special endosomes
** These endosomes fuse with lysosomes that contain the digested remnants of phagocytosed microorganisms
*** The peptides from the lysosome interact with the MHC class II molecules
**** The peptide-MHC class II complex gets transported to the cell surface
=Interaction of MHC With Antigen=
=Interaction of MHC With Antigen=

Revision as of 15:42, 28 August 2008

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T-cells rely on Major Histocompatability Complexes (MHC) to present antigen fragments for their recognition. MHC has evolved to form two classes for antigen presentation: MHC I presents digestion fragments from antigen in cellular cytoplasm, and MHC II presents digestion fragments from antigen in the tissue fluid. As such, MHC I tends to bind slightly smaller peptides (~9 amino acids) than MHC II (~15 amino acids).



MHC I presentation pathway, courtesy of B. Catchpole, 2008


  • MHC class I is expressed on virtually all nucleated cells
  • MHC class I consists of a membrane-associated heavy chain bound non-covalently with a secreted light chain
    • Heavy chain:
      • Made up of three distinct extracellular protein domains
        • α1, α2 and α3
      • The C- terminus is cytoplasmic
    • Light chain:
      • Known as β2-microglobulin
      • Similar in structure to one of the heavy chain domains
      • Not membrane associated
        • But binds to the α3-domain of the heavy chain
  • The MHC class I domains are structurally and genetically related to immunoglobulin and TcR domains
    • The outer domains (α1 and α2) are like the variable domains
    • The α3 domain and β2m are like thrconstant domains
  • MHC class I molecules are folded to form specific 3-dimensional structures
    • The α1 and α2 domains are folded to produce an antigen-binding groove
      • This groove can bind molecules of a limited size only (8-10 amino acids)
        • This limits the size of epitope seen by the T-cell receptors

Presentation Pathway

  • MHC I presents endogenous (that is, intracellular) peptides
  • Viral proteins are broken down to peptides by the proteasome and transferred to the endoplasmic reticulum via TAP (Transporters associated with Antigen Processing) molecules
  • In the ER peptides are processed with empty MHC I molecules and exported to the cell surface for presentation
  • MHC class I molecules present these to the T-cell receptors of CD8+ T-cells



  • MHC class II is expressed mainly on macrophages, dendritic cells and B-lymphocytes
  • MHC class II consists of membrane-associated α and β chains
    • Each chain is a transmembrane glycoprotein
    • The extracellular parts of each chain have two Ig-like domains
      • α1 and 7alpha;2, β1 and β2
        • The outer domains (α1 and β1) are variable-like
        • The inner domains (α2 and β2) are constant-like
  • The 3-dimensional structure of MHC class II is similar to MHC class I
    • The outer domains of the α and β chains fold in a similar way to the α1 and α2 domains of class I
      • Produce the antigen-binding groove


  • MHC II presents exogenous (that is, derived from the ECF) peptides
  • Endocytosed antigen interacts with MHC II in the cytoplasm to form a complex:
    • Antigen is endoycotsed from the ECF
    • Lysosomes fuse with primary endosomes to digest the antigen to peptides
    • MHC II is meanwhile being produced by the endoplasmic reticulum, along with an invariant chain chaperone
    • These pathways (endoytotic and secretory) merge to allow interaction between the antigen and MHC II:
      • The invariant chain is digested, leaving a CLIP peptide in the binding groove
      • Foreign antigen then replaces the CLIP peptide
  • The MHC II-antigen complex is then secreted to the cell surface for presentation to CD4+ T-cells
  • MHC class II are present on those cells that have antigen-processing ability

Interaction of MHC With Antigen

  • The MHC molecules do not recognise specific amino acid sequences of antigens
    • Instead, they recognise particular motifs of amino acids
  • The association of any MHC allele with a peptide may be determined by the presence of as few as two amino acids
    • However, these determinants must be present within a particular array
  • The actual identity of the amino acids in not important for MHC binding
    • Instead, the physical and chemical characteristics of the amino acid are vital
  • Interactions of individual amino acids at the head and tail of the peptide-binding groove control the binding of peptides
    • Are mainly positioned at the floor of the antigen-binding groove, or within the helices facing into the groove
    • These MHC amino acids associate with amino acids near the ends of the peptides
      • The intervening stretch of peptide folds into a helix within the groove
      • Is the target for T cell receptor recognition

TCR-MHC Interaction

  • Only peptide associated with self-MHC will interact with and activate T-cells
    • T-cells cannot be activated by a peptide on a foreign cell
    • T-cells will react against foreign MHC molecules
      • This is the basis of graft rejection

The Genetics of the MHC

  • Different individuals have different critical amino acids within the MHC
    • I.e. different amino acids that determine peptide binding
    • This variation is termed MHC polymorphism
  • There are millions of variations in antibodies and TCR
    • However, with MHC there is very limited variation between molecules
  • MHC polymorphism has been best studied in the human

In the Human

  • Humans express:
    • Three types (loci) of MHC class I molecules
      • HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigen)- A, B, and C
    • Three loci of MHC class II molecules
      • HLA-DP, DQ and DR
  • In the entire human population there are only approximately 50 different variants (alleles) at each MHC class I and class II locus
    • The variation within MHC class I is entirely on the class I heavy chain
      • The β2m is invariant
    • The variation within MHC class II is mainly within the β chains
  • Every individual has two alleles at each MHC locus
    • One inherited from each parent
    • Any individual will therfore express two variants at most at each locus
      • This gives a maximum variability for an individual of:
        • 6 different variants of MHC class I
          • 2 each of HLA- A, B and C
        • 6 different variants of MHC class II
          • 2 each of HLA- DP, DQ and DR
  • Many animal species have fewer loci than the human
    • E.g. ruminants have no MHC class II DP

MHC and Disease

  • Antigen from a pathogen has to be seen by the host MHC before an efficient immune response can occur
    • There is therefore a constant evolutionary battle between the host and the pathogen
      • There is selective pressure on the pathogen to evolve proteins that do not interact with the host MHC
      • There is selective pressure on the host to continue to recognize the pathogen
  • The consequence of this parallel evolution is that host-pathogen relationships can lead to the selection of particular MHC variants, for example:
    • MHC class II alleles DR13/DR1*1301 are prevalent in Central and Western Africa
      • Impart resistance to malaria
    • MHC-DRB1 is prevalent in Western Europe, but rare in the Inuit populations of North America
      • Associated with the clearance of hepatitis B infection in Western Europe
      • Inuits have the highest incidence of hepatitis B in the world
    • In humans there are also strong associations between certain alleles and some autoimmune diseases, for example:
      • Diabetes mellitus
      • Ankylosing spondylitis
      • Rheumatoid arthritis