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* Thick-walled
* Non-compliant (firm)
* Mare and carnivores have a simple cervix bulging into the vagina to form a distinc recess (vaginal fornix).
* Lumen is the cervical canal
* Folds surround the lumen
** Single fold and smooth surface in the queen and bitch
** Multiple folds protruding into the cervical canal in the cow, ewe, sow and mare
=== Cow and Ewe ===
* High volume of mucous production
* Multiple folds
* Cervical rings form interlocking finger-like projections known as interdigitating prominences.
=== Sow ===
* Less mucous secretion
* Multiple folds
* Cervical folds form rings (cervical rings)
=== Mare ===
* Low volume mucous secretion
* Multiple folds
* Many longitudinal folds of mucosa that protrude into the vagina (fornix vagina)
* Soft during oestrus
=== Bitch ===
* Single fold
* Relatively smooth surface
* A portion protrudes into the cranial vagina (fornix vagina).
=== Queen ===
* Small
* Thick walled compared to the uterus or vagina
* Single fold
* Smooth surface
