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* There are receptors in the vulva, which are stimualated by copulation.
* There are receptors in the vulva, which are stimualated by copulation.
* This results in release of LH fromt he anterior pituitary gland.
* This results in release of LH fromt he anterior pituitary gland.
* Only 50% of queens ovulate after a single mating, because multiple ovulations are usually required for adequate LH release.
* The ovulatory LH surge begins within minutes of coitus.
* LH peaks within 2 hours, then returns to basal levels within 8 hours.
* Further matings before the peak in LH will result in further LH release.
* After multiple matings over 4 hours or more, further matings will not result in any further LH release.
** Due to depletion of the pituitary pool of LH, or the pituitary becoming refractory to further GnRH stimulation.
* Once significant quantities of LH are reached, all ripe follicles will rupture (all or nothing response).
* Occasionally, ovulation will occur in the absence of contact with an entire tom.
** Receptors similar to those in the vulva are found in the lumbar area.
** These can be stimulated if the queen is mounted by other females or castrated cats.
=== Pseudopregnancy ===
=== Pseudopregnancy ===
