Laryngeal Paralysis

  • Axonal degeneration and subsequent dysfunction of the recurrent laryngeal nerve -> atrophy and functional paralysis of the cricoarytenoid muscle which is the main abductor of the arytenoid cartilage -> inability to abduct arytenoid cartilage -> incomplete dilation of the larynx during inspiration and the flaccid arytenoid cartilage can be sucked into the laryngeal lumen during inspiration -> inspiratory dyspnoea
  • Caused by idiopathic neuronal degeneration
  • In Dogs
    • Mainly large breeds eg: Labradors
    • Usually bilateral disease
    • Usually associated with other clinically apparent neurological or electromyographic defects
    • May be caused by:
      • Hypothyroidism
      • Toxins - organophosphate toxicity, lead poisoning
      • Congenital abnormalities of the recurrent laryngeal nerve and brain stem - young age of onset
      • Secondary compression or inflammation of the recurrent laryngeal nerve

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