Protostrongylus rufescens

Protostrongylus spp.
Class Nematoda
Super-family Metastrongyloidea

Also known as: Red Lungworm


Intermediate hosts: Snails.

Definitive hosts: Sheep, goats, and deer.


P. rufescens are thin, red worms. The females are around 6.5cm in length, and the males have a very well developed bursa.

Life Cycle

The females are ovo-viviparous. The L1 larvae are past out in the faeces. The intermediate host, namely the snail, become infected after penetration of the L1 larvae. These mature and develop into L3 larvae in around 2-3 weeks.

The definitive host is infected through ingestion of the snail. The L3 moults in the digestive tract and migrates to the lymph nodes and lungs.

The prepatent period is 5-6 weeks.

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