Normal structure

    • Damage to periosteum:
      • Invokes a hyperplastic reaction of the inner layer
      • Is painful
      • Exostoses can remodel or remain
    • Lifting of periosteum causes new bone formation below
    • Circumferential incision (e.g. during fracture)
      • Longitudinal bone growth results
      • May be only on one side where periosteum is damaged

Physis (Growth plate)

  • Site of many congenital or nutritional bone diseases in the growing animal
  • Open in neonates and growing animals
    • Chondrocyte proliferation balances cell maturation and death
  • Closes and ossifies at maturity
    • Regulated by androgens
  • If growth teporarily stops -> layer of bone seals the growth plate -> moves into metaphysis when growth resumes -> forms Harris lines

Bone resorption

  • Mediated by two hormones:
    • Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
      • Produced by chief cells in the parathyroid glands in response to decreased serum calcium
      • In response, osteoclasts increase in number and resorb mineralised matrix - increase Ca in blood
    • Calcitonin
      • Produced by C-cells in the thyroid glands in response to increased serum calcium
      • Inhibits osteoclasts

Bone dynamics

  • Bone growth and maintenance of normal structure are directly related to mechanical forces
  • Mechanical forces generate bioelectrical potentials (piezoelectricity)
    • These potentials strengthen bone
    • Inactivity reduces the potentials -> bone loss
  • In neonates:
    • Bone growth predominates
    • Modelling is important
  • In adults:
    • Formation of bone is balanced by resorption - remodelling
    • Continues throughout life under the influence of hormones and mechanical pressure
    • Bone resorption may exceed formation in pathological states (hormonal, trauma, nutritional) or in old age and disuse