3rd April 2010 - WikiVet Secures Funding From Pfizer

WikiVet has received funding from one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, Pfizer. The sponsorship has enabled the site to increase the development of content and a range of online services for the profession. More details ....

22nd October 2009 - WikiVet - A learner's perspective

The latest ALT Newsletter contains an article by Bev Panto, a recent RVC graduate. Bev has been working on the WikiTest initiative funded by the RCVS Trust. Find out more...

28th September 2009 - Welcome to all first year students

This is that time of year when we welcome the next intake of students to our vetschools. We hope that you will all find content within WikiVet of use during the coming years of your course. Please let us know if you have any suggestions as to how we can improve the site.

10th August 2009 - RCVS Trust Funded Workshop in Nottingham

A WikiVet workshop involving students and staff from 4 UK vetschools was held at Nottingham vet schools to plan the development of multiple choice questions to complement the Wiki content. This initiative has been funded by the RCVS Trust. More details ....

10th May 2009 - Links with other veterinary groups

WikiVet has been working to establish links with a range of other veterinary organisations including the British Veterinary Association Overseas Group, the Commonwealth Veterinary Association and the Association of Veterinary Students. More details ....

2nd April 2009 - RCVS Trust funds WikiVet

The RCVS Trust has announced that it will provide £ 4,700 from its small grant fund to WikiVet. The funding will go to the development of self assessment tools such as MCQs and Flash Cards linked to WikiVet content. More details ....

31st March 2009 - WikiVet Steering Group meets at the RVC

The WikiVet Steering Group met at the RVC on the 31st March 2009 to review progress and plan the next steps in development. Representatives from vet schools in Nottingham, Cambridge, Edinburgh and the RVC attended as well as from the MEDEV centre in Newcastle.Group Photo ....

28th January 2009 - Recent web reviews of WikiVet

The following reviews of WikiVet have appeared on the web:

[Woah… Have You Seen WikiVet?]

[Veterinary education at the click of a mouse]

12th January 2009 - WikiVet presents at the International Veterinary Students Association 2008 Conference [IVSA]

The IVSA conference this year was held at Glasgow and Edinburgh universities over the New Year period. Natalie Brown (RVC) presented WikiVet to the conference with a view to attracting more international student support for the project. Interest was shown in translating the wiki into other languages and in adding more content to widen the relevance beyond just the UK.

28th November 2008 - WikiVet receives funding from the British Society of Toxicological Pathologists [BSTP]

The BSTP has just agreed to provide sponsorship to support the WikiVet project in 2009. This funding will be used to cover wiki server hosting costs at the University of London Computer Centre.

23rd October 2008 - WikiDrugs Ready for Population

All the WikiClinical stub pages are now in place. Please feel free to start populating these pages with lots of clinical knowledge. If you are having trouble editing pages please refer back to our help pages.

9th October 2008 - The Wiki is Launched

Attendees of the WikiVet Launch

The WikiVet project was officially launched at MEDEV, Newcastle University. People from varying aspects of the Veterinary, Educational, Pharmaceutical and Medical professions attended the conference. Five people also attended the virtual conference, which made for an exciting yet interactive session. We feel that the launch was a great success and look forward to watching WikiVet grow.