Ascaridia - Poultry Flashcards

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Question Answer Article
What species of Ascaridia affect poultry? Link to Article
What part of the GI tract can these Ascaridia be found in? Link to Article
What effect do these parasites have on poultry? Link to Article
Does the male or female Ascaridia tend to be bigger? Link to Article
What distinguishing properties do males have? Link to Article
Where is the opening to the females reproductive organs? Link to Article
What is the main host for A. galli? Link to Article
What species of bird does A. dissimilis infect? Link to Article
What species of bird does A. columbae infect? Link to Article
What are the clinical signs associated with an Ascaridia infection in poultry? Link to Article
At what age in chickens does A.galli produce more severe clinical signs? Link to Article
What is the distribution of Ascaridia in poultry? Link to Article
What type of life cycle does A. galli have? Link to Article
What is the infective stage of the Ascaridia species? Link to Article
What is meant by the term histotropic phase? Link to Article
How long is the prepatent period for A. galli? Link to Article
How is A. galli transmitted? Link to Article
How can A. galli be diagnosed? Link to Article
How can A. galli be treated? Link to Article
How can you control Ascaridia infections? Link to Article