Help:Updating Previous Content Maps

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What are content maps? 1. Creating a Content Map 2. Using Content Map Converter 3. Uploading a Content Map 4. Updating Previous Content Maps All Content Maps on WikiVet

On WikiVet Content Maps already exist and there is no requirement for a new Content Map. However the existing Content Map is often out of date and needs to be updated. Rather than creating a whole new Content Map it is better to download the files associated with the Content Map that needs updating and simply modify the existing Content Map. This page will detail how to do this but assumes a level of competency with steps 1, 2 and 3 for creating Content Maps.

Obtaining the CMap files

  1. Visit the page that contains the Content Map that needs updating
  2. Click the information logo in the bottom left corner of the Content Map to go to the Content Map image's page
  3. In the image description their should be a link to the files required for that Content Map, click it
  4. In the files description click 'Download This Folder' and save the in an appropriate location (i.e. 'My Cmaps' folder in the 'My Documents/Documents' folder)
  5. Extract the files from the folder by right clicking th compressed folder and selecting 'Extract All'
    • Follow the steps in the extraction wizard (usually just keep clicking next until it finishes)
  6. If not already move the extracted folder into the 'My CMaps' folder in 'My Documents/Documents' folder

Updating the Content Map

  1. Open the CmapTools program and the open the Content Map
  2. Modify the the Content Map (see step 1 for creating links and exporting the modified Content Map
  3. Follow Step 2
  4. Follow step 3
  5. Content Map has been updated

See a list of all Content Maps currently on WikiVet