Oestrus Synchronization - Donkey

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Oestrus synchronization protocols used in the mare are efficacious in the jenny. The interval to oestrus and ovulation were 9.0±0.9 and 14.5±1.7 days respectively following progestrone/estradiol treatment, and 4.5±0.9 and 10.4±1.8 days respectively, for double prostaglandin (PG)F2a 15 days apart (Blanchard et al, 1999). The percentage of jennies ovulating between 6 and 10 days is 62.5% following Altrenogest/PG F2α (8 days) and 76.3% following double PG F2α system (Vendramini et al, 1997). Devices of vaginal delivery of progesterone such as CIDR have been used successfully.

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Donkey Oestrus Synchronization related publications


  • Tibary, A., Sghiri, A. & Bakkoury, M. (2008) Reproduction In Svendsen, E.D., Duncan, J. and Hadrill, D. (2008) The Professional Handbook of the Donkey, 4th edition, Whittet Books, Chapter 17

  • Blanchard, T.L., Taylor, T.S., and Love, C.L. (1999). ‘Estrous cycle characteristics and response to estrus synchronization in mammoth asses (Equus asinus americanus)’. Theriogenology 52. pp 827-834.
  • Vendramini, O.M., Bruyas, J.F., Fieni, F., Battut, I., and Tainturier, D. (1997). ‘Embryo transfer in Poitou donkeys, preliminary results’. Theriogenology 47. pp 4-9.

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