Melophagus ovinus

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  • Also known as
Sheep Ked
  • Found worldwide
  • Bites sheep and goats
    • A separate species is found on deer


  • 4-6mm long
  • Hairy
  • Forward pointing proboscis
  • Short head
  • Reddish brown colouring
  • Dorso-ventrally flattened
  • 'Tick-like' in appearance
  • Wingless
  • Strong legs and claws

Life cycle

  • Whole life cycle spent on the host
    • Adults may survive for 1 week off the host
  • Single larvae laid on fleece which pupate
  • Adult keds emerge a few weeks to a few months after pupating depending on environmental temperature


  • Most numerous in autumn and winter
  • Located in the superficial layers of the fleece
    • This aids transmission
  • Long wooled breeds are most susceptible to infection
  • Cause anaemia
  • Wool damage
    • Irritation and self-inflicted damage
    • Staining by ked faeces
  • Intermediate host for non-pathogenic Trypanosoma melophagium in sheep


  • Sheep dipping and spraying
  • Shearing to decrease numbers