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Also known as: whipworm
Trichuris ovis from sheep faeces - Joaquim Castellà Veterinary Parasitology Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Trichuris ovis in caecum - Supplied by Biomed Image Archive
Trichuris vulpis - Courtesy of the Laboratory of Parasitology, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine

==Overview ==ave a direct lufe cycle, moving directly into the definitive host from the infecive L1 egg stage. The Trichuris worms are so called due to their characteristic whipe like structure. They have a broad posterior end tapering to a long and narrow neck which is inserted into the caecal mucosa. They have a direct lufe cycle, moving directly into the definitive host from the infective L1 egg stage. Once ingested the larva is freed from the egg casing and forms a mucosal nodule in which to develop before emreging into the lumen of the gastointestinal system.

  • Eggs are brown, barrel-shaped, with a plug at either end, and can survive for up to 12 years
  • The infective stage is the embryonated egg.
  • The life-cycle is direct


Eggs The eggs of Trichuris species are brown in colour and are bioperculated (have a plug in each end). They are hardy eggs and in the correct coonditions can survive on pasture for up to 12 years. Larvae adult


  • Trichuris vulpis - dog whipworm
  • Trichuris campanula (Europe) and Trichuris serrata (North America) - cat whipworms.
    • Are quite rare.
  • Trichuris suis - pig whipworm

Life Cycle

  • Faeco-oral spread
  • Eggs become infective after 10-14 days in soil.
  • Larvae hatch in small intestine.
    • Grow and moult.
  • Finally take up resisidence in large intestine.
    • I.e. NO tissue migratory phase.


  • Adult buries its thin anterior half into the intestinal mucosa and feeds on tissue secretions (not blood).
    • The caecum and colon are the most commonly infected sites.
    • Causes eosinophilia.
  • Signs may include: