Ileal Impaction - Horse

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Also known as: Colic

Simple Obstruction
Small Intestinal Simple Obstruction
Small Intestinal Obstruction
Small Intestinal Impaction


The most common condition causing simple obstruction of the small intestinal lumen(Merck)


Adult horses


Most common in the southeastern USA, Germany, and The Netherlands.(Merck)


In the southeastern United States, feeding of sub-optimal coastal Bermuda hay has been implicated as a risk factor. It is thought this forage contains a high amoutn of thin fibres which are prematurely swallowed. Sudden feed changes may als be a risk (38). In the UK, tapeworm infection is an important risk factor. Data suggests that more than 80% of ileal impactions were associated with serological or faecal evidence of tapeworm infection(39).

Clinical Signs

Typical signs associated with small intestinal obstruction:

  • Moderate to severe colic
  • Nasogastric reflux may take a considerable time to develop because the ileum is the distal-most part of the small intestine. Reflux is found in 50% of horses requiring surgical conrrection for ileal impaction(35,41)


Usually made at surgery. Rectal palpation may identify loops of distended small intestine as the condition progresses but these may impede palpation of the impaction itself.


Medical treatment may resolve the impaction(36) but surgery is typically required. At surgery, fluids can be directly infused into the mass so that the impaction can be manually broken down. Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (DSS) may be included in the infusion to help disrupt the mass. An enterotomy should be considered to evacuate impacted contents and reduce intestinal manipulation.


Extensive small intestinal distension and intraoperative manipulation of the ileum may lead to postoperative ileus(42) but the risk is reduced if the duration between disease onset and surgical intervention is decreased(35)


The prognosis for survival is good(35,36).


Faecal tapeworm ELISA test: senstivity 70%, specificity 95%(40).
