Joint Neoplasia

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Primary neoplasia

Human synovial sarcoma (Image sourced from Bristol Biomed Image Archive with permission)
  • Rare
  • Synoviomas
  • Synoviosarcomas
  • Mass must have connection with the joints to be diagnosed as such

Extension neoplasia

  • From nearby osteosarcomas and marrow tumours

Metastatic neoplasia

  • Occasionally from lymphosarcoma, carcinoma of prostate and mammary glands - may extend to lumbar vertebrae from regional (dorsolumbar) lymph nodes

Ganglion cysts

  • Usually in close proximity to joints and tendon sheaths
  • Extremely rare in veterinary medicine c.f. humans
  • No consensus as to genesis
  • Cysts contain mucinous/yellow fluid
  • More about ganglion cysts