Reflex Arcs - Anatomy & Physiology


  • The reflex arc is the basic functional unit of the nervous system and consists of 2 linked components: the sensory input and the output response.
Detection via sensory receptors e.g: Response via effectors e.g:
Skin receptors Skeletal Muscle
Muscle Spindles Smooth Muscle
Retina .
Organ of Corti .
Olfactory Mucosa .

  • Animals are divided into body segments, according to the segmental nature of the spinal cord.
    • Reflex arcs may involve a single segment, or mutliple segments up and down the body.
    • However, reflex arcs do not require brain input in order to function.
  • The brain can act to modulate reflex; for example, some reflex pathways may be inhibited by the brain.
    • The brain obtains its afferent information via the ascending sensory tracts of the spinal cord.
    • The descending tracts originate from the brain to allow responses to be modulated.
    • These tracts constitute the white matter of the spinal cord.