Would you like to get involved?
Why not help us create a page? As many of you will be aware, a newly discovered virus has now reached the UK. We would particularly like to encourage any virologists amongst you to help us improve the currently basic page for Schmallenberg Virus. Knowledge of the virus is still developing, and much effort is being focussed on discovering more. The benefits of a wiki are that the page can be updated as we understand more about this horrible disease. Editing is easy in WikiVet - you just have to click on the 'edit' link next to the section you want to edit, type in your text and click 'save page' - our staff will be there to help you with any editing queries you may have. You may also find our editing guide useful.
WikiVet User Survey
Some of the results of our survey are now available, if you are interested, have a look at Survey 2012.