Male Reproductive Tract - Horse Anatomy

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Testes and Epididymis



The testes are contained within the tunica albiguinea. They lie within the tunica vaginalis, which is an outpocketing of the abdominal peritoneum. The tunica vaginalis can be further divided into the visceral and parietal tunics. The visceral tunic is adherent to the testicle, ducts and vessels. The parietal tunic is continuous with the parietal peritoneum. The parietal tunic adheres to the tunica dartos muscle, scrotal fascia and scrotal skin.

The tunica dartos muscle forms a septum which divides the scrotal sac into right and left compartments.

The spermatic cord runs from the abdomen caudally, through the inguinal canal. The inguinal canal is formed by the deep and superficial inguinal rings.

  • Deep inguinal ring: Opening between the internal abdominal oblique, rectus abdominis, prepubic tendon and inguinal ligament.
  • Superficial inguinal ring: Opening in the external abdominal oblique.

The cremaster muscle is the caudolateral extension of the internal abdominal oblique muscle. It is continous with the parietal layer of the tunica vaginalis and inserts at the caudal pole of the testes.

In the horse, the left testicle is usually larger and more caudal than the right testicle. It is also usually suspended more ventrally.



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