Feline Compulsive Disorders - Overview
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There is no reliable evidence regarding the prevalence of "compulsive disorders" in cats. In cats, the commonest compulsive behaviours involve repetitious or exaggerated self-maintenance or self-directed behaviours such as grooming, sucking or self-mutilation. Cats may also develop compulsive behaviour that originates in a range of other activities. For example, light spot or shadow chasing, and excessive consumptive behaviours (water or food). Compulsively excessive water consumption or play is sometimes referred to as psychogenic polydipsia, but this is an inappropriate use of a term taken from human medicine; in humans psychogenic polydipsia is problem of excessive water consumption that is associated with a range of mental health problems (most commonly psychosis) but it is also very often a side effect of medication (for example, antipsychotic drugs). It is a descriptive term that covers a wide range of different problems with diverse aetiologies and has no equivalent in veterinary patients.
In humans, some disorders that were previously classified as compulsive, such as trichotillomania, have now been reclassified as dysfunctions of impulse control rather than compulsive motivation (for example, body-focussed repetitive behaviour). GIven that almost nothing is known about the aetiology of compulsive disorders in cats, it is possible that a similar change of classification may occur and the term "compulsive disorder" should be regarded as an interim description.
hyperaesthesia syndrome, is often included under the umbrella of compulsive disorders. However, the behaviour in hyperesthesia syndrome is variable between cats and it is probable that a range of different aetiologies will become apparent as the condition is better understood. Indeed, it may be found to share greater aetiological similarities with oro-facial pain syndrome (seen primarily in Burmese) and feline idiopathic cystitis, and is not a true compulsive disorder.
Underlying Factors
The cat is highly self-reliant and depends on its own ability to control and utilise resources in its environment. It experiences strong drives to hunt, feed and carry out self-maintenance behaviours at set intervals. Hunting, for example, is not primarily regulated by appetite or satiation so cats will continue to hunt regardless of their earlier success or failure. The cat’s normal behavior is therefore highly structured and self-disciplined. This reflects the fact that, in a given area, the territories of several cats may partially overlap so that each individual can gain access to certain common resources, or traverse corners of each other’s territory in order to get from place to place. The temporal structure of the cat’s behaviour, combined with its system of marking, allows each cat to exist in isolation from others, thus minimising conflict and maximising the cats ability to utilise resources on demand. Great reliance is placed on the reliability of access to resources.
Environmental factors are therefore extraordinarily important in all feline behavioural problems, especially compulsive disorders. For the cat to live in an environment that places it in close proximity with potential competitors, inside or outside the home, and with limited control over access to resources and territory, can have a very damaging effect.
Feline compulsive disorder is more commonly associated with a lack of ability to carry out normal behaviour, combined with the social stress of perpetual competition and conflict. Improvement of the physical and social environment is therefore critically important for cats with compulsive disorders. Even without a compulsive element, the cat is likely to increase the amount of self-maintenance behaviour it performs as a substitute for thwarted hunting behaviour and territory maintenance.
Breed Predisposition
There is some breed predisposition in the incidence of compulsive disorder. Burmese, Siamese and other purebred oriental cats show higher than normal rates of wool-sucking and self-mutilation. This may reflect a genetic component to the disorder, but it must also be remembered that these cats are often reared and housed differently from ordinary housecats. Concerns over disease transmission mean that they are often reared in a ‘non-domestic’ situation, such as a cattery. This limits the exposure these animals have to social interaction and common domestic stimuli and events, which would seem to predispose them to a range of fear and anxiety problems. As adults, their financial value means that they are less likely to have outdoor access, which places even greater pressure on the cat if the indoor environment is unsuitable for them. The same breeds also have a higher predisposition to urine marking, inter-cat aggression and attachment disorders. Whilst these cats may have some genetic predisposition towards a range of problems, their rearing and husbandry is probably a significant factor.
Early intervention is very important in the treatment of compulsive disorders. Compulsive behaviour becomes more pervasive over time as the animal ‘learns’ that performing compulsive behaviour provides reliable relief from negative emotional situations. Compulsive behaviour can ultimately become a substitute for a wide range of normal behaviour so that, even when presented with a substantially-improved environment, the cat continues to behave compulsively.
The use of medication for these conditions is sometimes controversial because it may be regarded as merely reducing the incidence of unsightly behaviour that is an expression of the animal’s attempts to cope with wholly-unsatisfactory living conditions. This criticism could be fairly aimed at the medication of wild felids that continue to be poorly-maintained in some zoos or circuses. However, the use of medication is absolutely justifiable if it enables the animal to engage in normal behaviour in an enriched environment, where it may otherwise continue to stereotype. In this situation, the drug is being used to facilitate rehabilitation. This is the model that should be adopted for domestic cats: drugs are most useful where their use will enhance the animal’s response to environmental improvement.
Punishment of compulsive behaviour, or attempts to physically prevent it, are misguided. Compulsive behaviour forms part of the animal’s coping strategy so that preventing one expression of compulsion just forces the animal to find other opportunities. For example, using flavour or odour aversion to deter pica related to one type of material, such as wool, will merely encourage the cat to find something else to suck or chew instead. The motivation to carry out some kind of related compulsive behaviour remains. Punishment may increase stress that contributes to the problem.
Preventing Compulsive Disorders
- Kittens should be exposed to a wide range of stimuli during the sensitive period (people, domestic activities, interaction with other species).
- The domestic environment should provide security, mental stimulation and free access to resources. This is particularly important for indoor-only cats.
- Avoid overpopulation, especially with oriental breed cats.
- If establishing a multi-cat household, choose kittens from parents that already live in successful multi-cat households.
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